Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

What medical qualification do you have?

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The vaccines also help to prevent transmission which would allow schools to stay open


Do they?

Haw haw haw…that’ll show 'em fagan.

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On what basis?

I’m not a scientist. I looked it up there though as I was second guessing myself and there’s loads of articles saying that. Would also explain why the cases in elderly people have reduced so much

You said transmission though. Covid cases dropped significantly this time last year with no vaccines.

Yes there are loads of article saying they prevent transmission to a large degree. Look it up

Last Friday l had Part 1 of the vaccine. Not a bother.

I’m sure there are articles that conflict that.

Most of the vaccine producers would admit they do noy stop infection or transmission. They just minimise the symptoms.

That’ll do me.

Surprised to hear that, kid.

I haven’t found any anyway. Most of them seem to suggest the vaccines halve transmission

pfizer vaccine. why?

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Thought you were a younger fella.


Impossible to say. Only mass testing would corroborate that.

No one knows mate, next autumn/winter will be the acid test with regards to it.

Sincerely hope they’re right.

The picture would be clearer if the vaccines where rolled out last November, December, January and February rather than going into the sunmer months.

You mean clinical trials?

l had a feeling you were going to say that. l had to take an elderly relation to get their second jab and while l was there the doc gave me a nod and a wink and said he had a spare one and asked me did l want it. Grand says l. l might see Brazil before the year is out yet.