Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Good for you pal, its each to their own in this thing.

Whatever suits you, go do it.

No, mass testing.

Cheers mate. l’m detecting from your reply that you have other ideas regards the vaccine. Will you take the vaccine when your time comes around?

No chance, mate, my views are well documented on it here.

I don’t see any need to. End of,

Each to their own though.

Put my name down for a vaccine today :muscle::crossed_fingers::tada:


l don’t read these covid threads mate. Maybe had l known better l mightn’t have bothered with it. Briefly explain why you won’t take it? Send a link maybe?

Fuck off will you.

Very decent of you. Thanks

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I’ll see how things go, the 2nd generation jabs are in production. :grinning:

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There’s excellent evidence that the vaccine disrupt transmission at this stage.

Why do you think the CDC just dropped mask mandates?

Seasonality is likely playing a helpful role in reduced transmission but we cannot ignore the evidence on vaccine impacts on various ages.

We also need to really move to dropping the PCR test, despite that this testing regime shows reduced transmission. It will not be helpful for a number of months again (if there a break down in protection).


@grapes has done some number on @The_Most_Infamous here

The PCR test in terms of diagnosing a virus is a cod at cycles over 35.

Thats well known, you’d hope the vaccines does work, I do think seasonality should not be discounted though in that regard.

With regards to further lockdowns, in my view, they would want to have a right fucking dangerous variant, otherwise, they can fuck off.

There is zero science or sense to locking down the country again otherwise really with the vulnerable and elderly all vaccinated along with the likes of @myboyblue

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Cute edit. You’re ramping up nicely here. Double responses and everything.

I’m a perfectionist, @myboyblue


Have you anything new for the auld birds thread have you? Or anything of interest going on in Laois GAA?

Did you get your vaccines yet?

Great opinion where I respect your decision, I will be getting it myself but anyone who wants a two tier society based on demanding people have to get it need their heads checked

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Whats your rationale out of interest pal for taking the jabs?

On the basis of the safety and regulations around medicines. I work in that space and have confidence in that. Including the vaccines were developed between several companies along the same line. With millions begin administration with an insignificant number of adverse effects (this never be zero for any medicine).

I was very sceptical a few months ago but on the basis of the rollout and I’m near the bottom of the list I’m happy with my decision. I do understand your decision but disagree. I’m not going to tell you what to do but you’re entitled to make your choice. I do have a massive issue with people who tell you otherwise and suggest you should be a pariah. I don’t thinknthatvis likely but empty vessels have gotten their way in this mad time

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That is 100% fair enough mate.

For myself personally I know the vaccines are grand really, but there is a principal there too for me personally.

I’m not signing up for it, the same as I didnt sign up for the flu jab previously. If people don’t like that, they can fuck off.

Thats genuinely my position and I won’t be folding on it.

Yerrah your in the 20% that won’t take it. I personally think 20% of the most at risk being vaccinated is enough. You’ve looked at the same evidence as me and made your decision. At least your not being brainwashed by dangerous types

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