Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Thats not what I planned, but its actually class, I’m gonna leave it.

I have a 24.9 reading from the last time I was officially measured by a medical professional in late 2019. Home scales are only a cod so as far as I’m concerned that’s still the valid measurement.

Why are you on about the flu vaccine? The flu vaccine isn’t recommended for you. It’s as relevant as saying you don’t buy lottery tickets.

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It’s going gangbusters

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Belgium Forecast

Tis bad when they can’t tell you if there’s a delivery next week.

290k in a week? That’s great going. Was it @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy was saying they’d never do 250k in a week?

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It would appear so.

I must have a closer look later on but it seems that for the last 2 or 3 weeks, the actual doses administered has exceeded the forecast.

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They were meant to be doing 250k 7 weeks ago.

Looks like the June target is going to be missed also and I’m going to be vindicated.

Rough extrapolation of the 50-59 bracket would be about 57% with their first dose to today, excluding additional persons captured via Cohort 7 in the last week and additional GP doses. Basing that assumption on how they’ve previously reported age cohorts to the media.

Data to last Wed to the ECDC was 33% of 50-59 done.

186k of over 50s is up from 23k last Tuesday which is an additional 27% of the age cohort. Probably an additional 3% completed from Tuesday to Wednesday in that 33% figure above so roughly the 57%.

We are probably talking more like 66% when the other doses are factored in. Smashing it really. Should he well into the 40s by June. Seems as though they are working through J&J stock atm with 50s which would suggest there’s little AZ left until next week’s delivery.

60s looks to be over 90% at this stage. 84% last Wed plus 37k additional cohort vaccines between the last Geohive reporting and the indicative figure.

They have. They usually meet their rolling 7 day target a couple of days early and the ramp up continues during the week.

It seems you were wrong.

Real egg on the face of poor @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

After about 20 weeks where the actual were well below the forecasts.

I’ve been proven right so far and you’ve been proven wrong so far.

No egg on my face, where as you look like an omelette.

Living in the past. You predicted we’d never reach targets because targets were missed in the past. You said we’d never do 250k a week or a million a month. Wrong wrong and wrong.

Citing precedent. I have been proven right on this vaccine rollout whereas you have got it horrifically wrong and yet somehow you are trying to claim victory.

It’s bizarre.

But you said we’d never hit 250k a week or a million a month.

You admit you were wrong on that at least, surely?

Did I?

We’re flying it lads. Put down the feather boas and just be grateful.
