Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Egghead on a lot of lads faces. Let’s go Stevie D

But you haven’t substantiated that and your precedent on here is to tell fibs so forgive me if I need to have your claims corroborated.


I take it that’s a “no, Fulvio - I can’t substantiate the claims against you that I made” then.

Do you get a text for your second vaccine?

Working forward from Friday May 7th.


290k last week
280k this week
280k next week

Leaves us on 2,649k with 3 days to go

I set my over/under at 2,750k. Likely will be touch and go. Really depends on the timing of AZ deliveries and some more J&J. They might be happy to be aggressive from the off on May 31st when the first huge Pfizer is due to come in.

You’re going with an actual calendar month as opposed to the HSE’s way of saying April ended on May 2nd :smiley:


I still don’t see how we are going to use those J&J doses in June. Unless a good few arrive in the next three weeks, the 40s will be nearly done.

I’d expect NIAC will be asked to look at below 40s again soon.

Don’t back down, double down.

The HSE have consistently met the revised targets they set midway through the week


Id say yourself and glas have both been somewhat vindicated over the last few weeks. Unfortunately neither of ye will ever admit it and nobody else is following closely enough or gives enough of a shite to confirm one way or the other.

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Huh. I have been vindicated since January until now and will be so until the end of June.

5/6th of the way there now and he has yet to be proven right on a single thing.

You could be right

They seem to be using J&J at moment for 50s. Single dose so that frees up more capacity to accelerate to next age groups.

The big issue for J&J is timing. 600k were due before June, I think that was revised to 540k but they have only received around 40-60k at present I think. By the time the deliveries begin to arrive in bulk it will look like the age groups they were assigned too will be more of less already have concluded their first dose.

The question is what to do with it then. Unless they plan on giving it to the 30s then it will be wasted.


Moderna and J&J arrived in Belgium yesterday, so probably will be received in Ireland today.


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Must vary by area anyone I know in their 50s around here has got Pfizer and the missus (50) is getting Pfizer on Monday. I’m hoping to get done by the end of next week at the rate they are going.

They’re flying it now. Anyone I know in their 50s has got it now.

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They certainly are vindication for @glasagusban

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You’d have to hand it to Stephen Donnelly. Once he shut his trap, got off the airwaves, did a bit of work he figured it all out very quickly.