Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

It’s going to be late July before they meet their pledged targets of 80% 1st dose and 60% 2nd dose. There will be enough supply in June most likely to reach that target or very close to it.

Clearly it is.

Look how much Moderna has been kept back.

I think they’ll get close to the 80% but won’t hit it because there will be some won’t want to take it. The last month of 1st doses would allow for them getting to that level.

I don’t think the 60% target will be reached for sure.

I didn’t think that Martin’s comments on it at the end of Feb were achievable as we were saying at the time that 250k a week was target operating levels.

As I said, I think maybe 150k were held back between Pfizer and Moderna. I’d need to go back to my numbers but it simply isn’t half a million as you said.

It was 500k at the end of April and generally over 300k the few weeks before it.


286k second Pfizer doses were due this month
27k second Moderna doses were due this month

Take em out of your fridge total as like it or not, that’s not the strategy

As I said, there were excess Pfizer and Moderna coming into this month, but not to that level. I did say I think they were holding some back as they were attempting to keep the ramp up. Wouldn’t agree with that but it is what it is, they didn’t want numbers to drop back.!

Yet they still probably have close to that 500k sitting in a fridge at the end of last week.

Belgium start the week with 3% of total vaccines received sitting in a fridge, Ireland start the week with 6x that much in relative terms.

Which I would imagine that the guts of m will be again held back for second doses.

I went through the doses and at the pace they’ve been going, there is unlikely to be any excess stock left.

They are keeping reserves. Belgium aren’t really.

Look at the ECDC dashboard and Ireland have one of the lower percentages of vaccines given out.

As far as I can see they were either:
a) Far too conservative in holding doses back in reserve
b) Not able to handle the ramp up in supply

They got the AZ stock out over the course of a couple of weeks after the new guidance was set.

Since then, based on deliveries and numbers reported, all the excess stock is gone.

The decision to hold back doses for second ones has nothing to do with operational efficiencies.

The numbers being jabbed over the last few weeks have been up there with peak U.K. and US numbers. The next big question is if they can get up to Israeli numbers.

EU to demand billions in damages if AstraZeneca fails to hit vaccine target.

Brussels wants penalty of €10 a dose per day if pharma company does not supply more, lawyer tells court

The EU has demanded damages potentially amounting to billions of euros from AstraZeneca if the company fails to increase deliveries of its Covid-19 vaccine by next month.

The EU wants the company to pay penalties of €10 a dose a day if it does not supply 20m extra shots the European bloc wants by the end of June, its lawyer told a court in Brussels on Wednesday.

The demand is part of a lawsuit launched by the European Commission in an effort to force AstraZeneca to deliver 90m doses in the second quarter of the year rather than the 70m currently scheduled. The legal action is an escalation of a battle between the EU and the company over longstanding delivery shortfalls.

AstraZeneca said its lawyers would outline its case later on Wednesday. The company has consistently argued that it made the contractually required “best reasonable efforts” to fulfil the EU delivery schedule.

Belgians limiting J&J to 41+.

What’s the latest guess for when all adults in Ireland will have been offered a vaccine?

Offered is a very vague term. What is offered? When the portal opens or when you get your appointment?

I would say probably August for first doses.

Before mid July I’d expect anyone who wanted an appointment to have theirs and be jabbed is my guess, all going to plan on deliveries.


No one I know in the 45-49 bracket have got appointments here in WH flying through them in CE and LK from those I know

I could see them holding back on some so they delay the last few 50s they can get at with AZ.

According to Leo, when the registration for the 40-44 opens there will be an opt in option for the Janssen vaccine for that group.


This cohort 7 seems a right cod. An ingrown toenail would get you on the list