Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

GP rang for my sister (who lives abroad since 2003 and is younger than me) to get her 1st jab.
Radio silence for me, registered on the portal a week ago.

I got booked in for next week with my GP, no sign of the 40-45 range opening up on the portal

Every cunt I know in their 30s is getting called by their GP for a jab next week and nothing for me. I bet you it’s because I’ve a body like Carl Froch in his pomp, they’re saying “there can be no fear of that lad, he has a body like Carl Froch”. Cunts.


cc @Tim_Riggins

That Pfizer number is about 85k less than what I expected it to be…

Don’t think this is correct either.

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Yeah that seems low. They will need to pull more doses earlier, which comes with risk. They need to be doing an average of 225k first doses a week to get near their 1st dose target.

40-44s opening up from the middle of next week so we will probably see the portal opening dates something like:

40-44 - June 2nd
35-39 - June 16th
30-34 - June 30th
25-29 - July 14th
16-24 - July 28th

All first doses done by mid-late Aug and 2nd doses by mid-late Sept.

cc @glasagusban

Less than 5 weeks to give out an additional 30% first doses and likely >30% second doses.

Not going to happen, you were wrong.

Not give out, offer.

So now that you’ve been proven wrong you have changed the story.

He said that by the end of March, 1.25 million vaccines will have been administered, with the three following months seeing a million doses given in each. By the end of June, 82 per cent of adults would have received at least one dose, with up to 60 per cent of adults being fully vaccinated with two doses.

Not offered.


Why do you feel the need to lie?

The believe it was changed to “offer” after problems with supply and pauses due to safety concerns.

It now looks unlikely that they’ll meet that target with the new J&J supply issues. Pity. Close though. And when powering on at such pace doing over a million a month the delays get wiped out fast.

The programme is still powering through people, the effect has been really transformative already. Great to see.

People will be flying all over Europe soon :blush:

Don’t do this to yourself mate


You believe?

You have said they would meet their February commitments throughout. It’s another failure and another missed target and you’ve been championing it as a success.

You have been wrong, wrong and wrong.

J&J has been largely irrelevant to the June goal for a couple of weeks. The supply wasn’t coming in time anyway, as was flagged here. Our journalists are idiots.

The big story is on Pfizer here and where the other doses are and what the strategy is with the June doses.

5 x 285k

Split the first week 50/50 so you have your full buffer for the first week of July. Means only 159k first doses but perhaps the J&J opt in and residual 50 something doses can bring that up to 180k.

From there they will have to be aggressive. Go for 210k for the next week with 16k Moderna bringing you up to ~225k for that week. You then leave 75k in the fridge for second doses in July of Pfizer.

Then go for 250k for Pfizer for the next two weeks, bringing you up to 266k, hanging onto just 35k of each of the next two weeks for second doses.

Then for the final week, do the same on the 250k, but you’ll be pro rata down to just 2 of the 7 days. So maybe 100k at a push.

That will get them to around 1m first doses, which is what they need.

They’d have enough in stock to fulfil the first week of second doses in July as they reserved 50% of the first week stock.
Then you’d be down to just 140k reserve doses for second shots, so you’d have to be using the bulk of July deliveries for second doses. And you’d be reliant on Pfizer keeping up with deliveries.


Another internet victory for @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy, he’s a force of nature.

Quote that for me.

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Interesting to see that the ECDC has an update with 2,338k administered for Ireland which includes the below %;

If 2.5m was hit in the last 36-48 hours, this is likely the update without GP numbers. I’d say GP numbers are more skewed towards second doses now at this stage so maybe 80/20 of that 160k- 32k first doses. That’s not going to make a big % impact.

I’d estimate it will be 90% over 50 by Monday next and 22% of 25-49 and 11% of 18-24 entering May.

I’m hearing of a local GP who is absolutely lashing them out to any regular attendee, regardless of the condition. Apparently they are getting a big supply due to “demographics”

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@Copper_pipe, Donnelly said 1.42m Pfizer to be delivered in June which would be 285k per week if you included the May 31st delivery.

He also said that Pfizer are going to meet their targets for June but reworked. I wonder if we will have similar to the last two months with a big bump for the last delivery of the month.