Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

What would a GP be earning per vaccine shot given?

There are “serious concerns” about the supply of the single-dose Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) Covid-19 vaccine, the Minister for Health has told the Dáil.

He said the country was scheduled to receive 600,000 doses of the J&J vaccine by the end of June, but the best case scenario was that there would be 235,000 vaccines and a worst case scenario was that there would be 60,000.

They already have over 60k though.


The dogs on the street have known for sometime that J&J weren’t meeting their Q2 commitments so how is it a bombshell?

If you add the 4 deliveries between the red lines and divide by 2.067 (which was the factor I was using previously) you get 1.419 million. :man_shrugging:

Maybe the delivery that is due to arrive on the week beginning the 31st of May will still be counted as May even though it’ll likely arrive on the 1st or 2nd of June…

Belgian deliveries of Pfizer are typically received on the Monday, not sure if there is a day or two lag with Ireland on that.

You would imagine they will try top push it in the preceding month for the optics of it.

Sure whats a few weeks at this stage.

The lad from Belgium said a while back there is an expectation that Pfizer number will ramp up again in July although not confirmed yet.

I’d expect in and around 5m vaccines will have been received by the end of June. How much of that 5m will have been administered is the most pressing issue.

If there’s a further ramp up, there’s no excuse. They can reach their targets on first doses but will just have to be aggressive. It’s worth that. July should be a 90/10 second dose to first dose ratio.

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I think you are being very optimistic.

40-44s portal is only opening up in the middle of next week (June). I doubt any u35s will have had their appointment via the portal until July.

Like the rest of your recent predictions on when ages will get it, you’ll be very wrong on this.


Unlikely as I’ve been right the whole way through. Your naivety is cute though. You effectively expect them to get through that around 4 weeks?

Really? You also predicted that they wouldn’t get to 80% until August/September?

I still predict it will be Aug/Sept

That’s nothing to do with your recent predictions, which haven’t been correct.

Neither have mine, they have beaten them. You seem to get really confused about how Cohort 4 and 7 impacts on overall cohort numbers and the numbers who simply won’t take it. It takes a big dent on how many get done.

The registration for 40s was stopped this week but that appears to be partly due to getting an opt in for J&J. I’m sure that will have a minimal impact but is positive.

At worst they will only do 800k first doses in June. They will be below 35, I would guess upper 20s conservatively.

It has.

You are expecting them to race through 3 age cohorts in little over 4 weeks.

You’re being extremely naïve and there’s nothing to support that. It’s quite obvious you’ll be here in 4 weeks trying to spin as to why the under 35s are only just having their portal opened up.

Your recent prediction was incorrect. You stated that the 50s would start in late May. They started in early May. Their mass vaccinations will finish up this week.

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Yeah. Exactly a full month to do the 50s. And you expect them to 40s, 30s and some 20s in 4 weeks.


Someone needs to start bookmarking these. Or all the times Fulvio said we would never reach 250k a week, or a million a month. It’s getting embarrassing at this stage. Like shooting fish in a barrel. Ban bang bang.

You keep making these claims but can’t back them up. I ought to sue your for defamation.

In the last month they’ve done the guts of 25% of the adult population. They will be over 50% at the end of this week. In the last few weeks they have done over 50s, hundreds of thousands of over 60s and hundreds of thousands of Cohort 4 and 7.

They will not be far off their 80% target at the same pace, with only supply impacting that.

Your assumption is wild. Well over 1m are between 18-34, meaning under your prediction they would only get to about 70% of adults and that is assuming 100% over that age will take the vaccine.

Plus the GPs will be basically finished it’ll all be mass vax centres. If they have the suppy they could extend the hours