Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

They have the stock to be doing that now.

But they’re not, because they are holding back stock for second doses.

Issues with them not administering available stock have gone in the last few weeks. It’s a strategic decision to hold second doses for 4 weeks time. They came into this month holding onto too many doses relative to their strategy but they aren’t now.

Holding back stock for what?

They haven’t held back the AZ stock?

They have held back buckets of the Moderna stock with little reason to.

The J&J stock doesn’t need to held up and they have Pfizer coming in through the 100ks from next week.

I don’t buy it.

They aren’t holding stock back at this point over and above the strategy, look at the raw numbers administered.

AZ stock is virtually gone
J&J stock had about 20k left per the ECDC

The only way they have continued to increase numbers done per week is by releasing the excess Pfizer and Moderna stock.

I said before that I think they could have done 400k plus at the start of May but they held back because they did not want to have to drop down again, which they would have had to. Last couple of weeks saw at most 260k coming in, of which a significant portion are held back for Pfizer and Moderna second doses.

I believe they have deliberately released doses over the course of this month in order to 1) use up AZ and J&J as the age cohorts who can take it narrow and 2) show a ramping up

What difference does dropping down have to make? Surely it’s far better off being put out there ASAP given the soundbites they give about the importance of vaccinations. These are things that simply don’t stack up. How can you cite supply as the problem when you have a load of it?

They’ve had 500k in a fridge at the end of the week for a lot of this month. They will have a similar figure this month.

Ireland are operating at the minute with a figure of around 15-20% of their stock received sitting in the fridge at the end of a week.

Belgium by contrast are 2-3%

So I don’t know how supply can reasonably be cited as the problem.

Jesus, lads.

Just got the text. I’m in on Monday for pfizer


I assume they didn’t want questions on why things dropped.

The decision to hold back the next 4 weeks of doses is what it is.

That seems quite spurious.

They have no reasons to be holding back doses. Supply won’t be the issue.

I think it’s quite clear that the 30-34s are unlikely to be jabbed until July.


You’re welcome.

Give them another few hours, I expect a consensus to be found


Aye, it does appear as if they’re almost there.

Between 72% and 78% for first dose and 35% and 45% second dose is the estimate for the end of June.

Time to surrender @glasagusban

78% first dose, pretty much bang on what I said.


Below what you said on both counts.

7 months on and you’re still getting it wrong.

It’s all there really.

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Your arguing that @glasagusban is wrong by a 4% miss that’s will be cleared in 3 days. That’s insignificant compared to how long this nonsense is going on. A strange way to claim an Internet victory


I’m arguing that he has been wrong for 7 months straight and still refuses to acknowledge it.

He’s going to be wrong, it just depends on how much he is wrong.

He is also scheduled be wrong by 6-10% on first doses and 10-20% on second doses which makes it a 16-30% expected wrong margin.

I can’t understand how you are defending him when he has brazenly called it wrong for 7 months straight and won’t even acknowledge the fact.