Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

From my own observations cohort 7 are mainly getting it from the GPs and due to the cyber attack the system isn’t being updated to reflect this. The GPS are doing great work tbf and are ringing all their patients when they have the supply. Opening the online portal is a good step to catch anyone that has been missed

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Not only is Cohort 7 done, they added extra to it and did them as well.

The high standard of Irish journalism once again on show

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Will be the same here I’d say. Unless there’s still a group of 50s not done by today.

It’s will or it won’t? Typical Belgians won’t make up their minds.

You’d be fair sickened to be getting your first dose now and getting AZ.

I’d be surprised if they hold onto the existing intervals. Can’t see them holding onto the end of August on second doses.

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Would expect anyone who was vaccinated within the last 3 weeks to have it reduced to 8-10 week intervals for their second dose.

@Copper_pipe just looking at the source data on that Belgian site, it has 735k of Pfizer arriving there today. Not updated on the main site but is from where he is sourcing it.

40-44 vaccine reg open Wednesday

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What happens if your birthday is on Wednesday?

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If you turn 44 on Wednesday you are fucked.

You might get a cake. Not sure what that has to do with vaccines though.


Just waiting here at the Krakow Expo for the young fella getting the first jab. Age 16.


Seems to be confirmed now @Copper_pipe

734k for Belgium. Ireland should be getting more than the 282k mentioned so.

I’d say around 354900

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Pfizer, Pfizer, Pfizer

And about 143860 AZ

Just under 500k doses altogether.

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They are opening registration for 12-15 year olds here from next Monday.