Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

What’s the take up of vaccines like there ?

44% adults done. I’m a bit uneasy about it. Seem to be lots of no shows. The fact I was told to call in any time I like today says it all. There is good progress across age groups but only 60% of the 80+ group are done. That’s a concern. I reckon about 60% of my company are done, based on them booking recovery time off.

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Big number of vaccines due in from Monday.

Are their Q4 doses actually expected on Monday? Seems to be the point of confusion on how many Ireland are getting.

Mystery solved on the discrepancy we had last week between the Belgium forecast and the 280k figure Micheal Martin mentioned during the week.

In last weeks update from Belgium the figure for Pfizer on the week beginning the 31st was 733590.

This week it has the 580320 + 153270 (Q4 brought forward)

By dividing the 580320 by 2.067 (Pfizer factor) we get 280754 which explains Martin’s figure.

The lad who posted the schedule also added this note.

“This news has just been confirmed through the new delivery schedules, which are also not very optimistic for the other suppliers. Pfizer may have to abandon the additional deliveries that were previously foreseen. J&J remains very limited and at Moderna the numbers remain very modest.”

Other points to note from the schedule, Belgium were expecting 374k doses of AZ in the week beginning the 24th. They got none.

Their delivery is being reduced to 335,200 and due Monday.

So Ireland should get about 143860 AZ next week.

Interesting, I had read them saying that they still expected to fulfil the target but rephrased over the month. Possible we get a bumper bumper week in a couple of weeks so.

We must be done with AZ first doses now so. Was hoping we’d finish the 50s off with some this weekend but doesn’t look like that happened. Shame.

This was the quote;

In a statement to The Irish Times, Pfizer said “We’re committed to delivering 250m doses under the agreement with the European Commission in Q2. This consists of the planned 200m doses plus 50m doses, accelerated from their scheduled delivery later in 2021.

“Any minor variation in a delivery as part of this plan is a result of us ensuring equitable distribution within the bloc of those accelerated doses over the coming weeks.”

Wonder what the second bit means, maybe the production is clunky and not enough are produced yet to make all the extra dose deliveries.

@glasagusban has given him an awful kicking.


A schooling

Are all EU countries vaccinating at a broadly similar rate ?

When this is all done the two real winners will be the Irish vaccinated population and Fulvios employer who will surely see him turn some attention to his job again


I haven’t a clue mate. But if you have any questions on vaccine roll outs @Copper_pipe and @glasagusban are the go to guys.


What’s the joint figure for Pfizer?

Two separate deliveries or something?

It’s the additional doses from Q4 brought into Q2. It sounds as though they will not arrive evenly throughout the month. Likely means that we will see a week with 500k+ In deliveries…

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Day 11 after registering for the :syringe:, still no word.

Donnelly out!

cc @artfoley

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Pretty much. Hungary and Finland the highest, Romania and Bulgaria the lowest. There’s an interactive map on the ECDC website

Did you try your GP?

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Niamh Griffin: Hundreds of thousands of ‘high risk’ patients still waiting for vaccines

Out of an estimated 300,000 people in this group, just 2,910 were vaccinated by the time the HSE hack saw the health service’s systems stop updating on a daily basis.

The vaccine rollout has been a success for everyone with the jab in their arm, but one large group are slipping through that protective net.

The priority list has guided hospitals, GPs and mass vaccination centres from over-70s through healthcare workers to people in their 40s, with the portal for 40-year-olds expected in the coming days.

Somewhat forgotten, though, is group 7, the cohort deemed to be at high risk from Covid-19.

Out of an estimated 300,000 people in this group, just 2,910 were vaccinated by the time the HSE hack saw the health service’s systems stop updating on a daily basis.

And these are not mild conditions. It includes people with certain cancers, diabetes, stable cystic fibrosis, some mental health and respiratory illnesses.

They expected to be vaccinated before healthy friends and family, and many have been isolating since the start of the pandemic and remain cautious even now as restrictions begin to unwind.

Essential workers

But worrying social media posts marked #theforgottencohort also show carers and people in essential jobs still waiting.

Should the supermarket manager with diabetes or the coffee barista with severe asthma just continue serving vaccinated customers with a smile?

Having been promised early vaccination, all they have now is confusion.

GPs have carried other groups over the line, issuing 1.2 million jabs, and weekend and evening clinics are the norm in many areas. But the HSE lead on vaccines Damien McCallion says up to 300 practices remain too swamped with higher priority groups to tackle group 7.

That’s close to one in four of the practices involved.

An online portal was due to launch in mid-May to allow for registration and referral of high-risk patients to mass vaccination clinics, but this was halted by the cyberattack. Two weeks later, no further clarity is being offered and confusion is heightened by reports that at least one woman was told by a local hospital that a GP letter would grant her access to a vaccination clinic.

Needless to say, the Irish Medical Organisation said it is unaware of any such arrangements.

Waiting game

So while HSE head Paul Reid insisted on Thursday there is “no geographic lottery” for patients, and Mr McCallion said the number of vaccines delivered for this group is on target, patients are not seeing it.

And while the hack may have been caused a significant roadblock, why were steps not taken in advance of this to allow progress for this group when healthy peers simply passed them by on the basis of age?

Back in January, smaller GP practices struggled to arrange vaccinations for over-70s. Older people were distressed watched their neighbours getting the jabs. This should have tipped off the HSE that GPs could also struggle with a large group, such as group 7.

Gary Brennan, national development manger with Prader Willi Syndrome Ireland submitted evidence on the risks to their vulnerable members from Covid-19 to the HSE.

They were slotted into group 4. And in his experience, vaccine access was swift.

But as the confusion continues, people in Group 7 are being told use the age-based portal.

And while people like Susan McGrady, aged 43, said she is now resigned to waiting as her age group finally begins to be vaccinated, she pointed to people in their 20s and 30s with no protection in sight.

In the UK and Northern Ireland, those “at higher risk” from Covid-19 were able to register for access from the start, adding to the frustrations.

So once again, as well as the frustration and distress still being caused to individuals, the pandemic has revealed holes in our health system which should have been addressed long ago.


The Health Correspondent for the Examiner needs to keep up.