Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

I’ll have Pfizer in my veins by 3pm today


My 69 year old parents were over at the weekend mildly peeved that they got AZ and all their kids will be getting Pfizer :joy:

Maybe I’ve miss read but isn’t AZ more effective in preventing death and serious illness?

AZ is the cream of the vaccine crop, the Germans and French tried to blaguard it because Boris Johnson fucked them over

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Gunther never liked it up um

Jab done as they say very efficient process to be fair

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Yes I’ve got one jab of the AZ and I’m still alive.


Better keep the head down and an eye out for Indians

Same as that. GP was making a big fuss over being discreet and not parking at the surgery, everyone there knew each other anyway

Vaccine registration is working for 40+ cohort

First jab done

Well organised at the AVIVA (once you got inside) in fairness

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Got my appt. no text so checked the website and there it was

There’s usually a lag of a few hours between the website and getting the text

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Text has arrived :ok_hand:

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All that leaves is 283k per week over June. Seems wrong again.

The reporting of vaccines and deliveries is so poor.

You get a better standard of reporting for vaccine deliveries on TFK.


Yeah but what if your 44th birthday is on Thursday? What do you do then? So confusing.