Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

What is the current split between first dose and second dose?

47%/16% according to the ECDC

56% and 26%

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How the fuck did you get this?
Are you fucking 40?

It’s like an all ireland ticket.
Anyone that really wants one can get one


A lot of lads lacking in moral character jumping the queue ahead of the more deserving

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He’s well past it mate.


WTF is he doing acting like a 20 year old on here then? I thought he was about 25. Very sad.

I’m all for it. I’ll bitch and moan about it but I’ll do it myself. My fein. My brother jumped the queue the other day and I lost it because he never said I’ll go too. The prick

What’s the story with the reduced gap to second AZ vaccines? Do people have to do anything or will they just be called for their next shot sooner?

Presumably they will be texted an appointment date. A lot of baby boomers to receive their second shot this month.

Some issues with vaccine take up in the US it seems. Their latest target is to have 70% of adults vaccinated by July 4th. They’re at about 51% at the moment.

Nope, that’s whole of population and it’s up to 53% iirc. It’s 64% of 18 and up.


It is unlikely that 70% will be reached though you’re right. Also a lot of people not coming back for second doses.

Does he not mean 70% of adults, which is not the same as 70% of the population.

The percentage of adults figure is a meaningless one, it’s the population figure that matters.

So you’re serious on here?

70% of those 16+ I’d say.

For reference