Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

The vaccination centre in Limerick is closed tomorrow as there is a horse meeting on there at the race track! :smile:

It’s a pandemic and emergency only when it suits. Some people who were due to get their second one tomorrow are instead getting appointments in Nenagh, Cork and the odd one even in Dublin!




That’s absolutely insane. I suppose they can’t use the Radisson as there is a socially distanced management training course on.

Could they not just let the people watch the horses while they queue?

Maybe even a few themed races.

Pfizer Wiser vs AZ Does it vs Moderna Man vs Wanceson and Wanceson in a race

Sore arm, no trots thankfully

Plenty of lads there who could help out administering injections too.


Got the call up for next Thursday afternoon, the day I’m back from Cark - perfect timing

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There’s finally been an update to the ECDC. The above is based on 2.9m doses administered, so missing at least the GP doses. 3.8m delivered into the country by call of play Monday, underlying data isn’t up to date but suggest a 250k delivery from Pfizer on Monday last working back on the numbers. That reflects what was reported on Pfizer being 30k short for this week. Pfizer are going to have to deliver a lot of doses in the next couple of weeks to make up.

33% of 25-49 is about 583k of the 1.8m in that category, excluding GP doses. Probably closer to 40% in reality.

Belgium got their expected Q2 and Q4 delivery from Pfizer last week. I’d say Ireland got around 284k based on previous deliveries. (Not adding in any Q4 deliveries.)

For this week, I’d say it’ll be at least 284k Pfizer (might be more if there is some Q4 added in), 67980 Moderna, 53560 AZ, and 14400 Janssen.

Nope, 251,550 according to the ECDC site. Tallies with them saying they were 30k short last week.

If they had got all they were due so far, we are 100k short.

@Copper_pipe what do you mean by Q2 and Q4?

Did I read that only 250k-290k are being done this week? Wasn’t there meant to be 2m done in June.

More and more target failures.

Pfizer are supposed to be advancing 50m additional doses from Q4 into Q2, about 500k for Ireland. It appears as though Belgium got some of theirs two weeks ago but didn’t last week. It doesn’t seem like Ireland have got any of those ones. Pfizer are saying they are planning to still meet that target, so Ireland should be due some extra bumper deliveries (400k+).

Why are Ireland so shit at their vaccination rollout?













Belgium did get what they were expecting last week.

Ireland haven’t got any of the Q4 yet but I recall reading a quote from Paul Reid saying the last 2 weeks should have big deliveries.

That’s missing GP doses and was to Thursday, which was over 3.1m doses. Probably more now- maybe 3.25m? A further Moderna delivery to go on top of that as well along with AZ/J&J.

Agree though, they need to stop holding back 50% of Pfizer.

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Where are we at in terms of % vaccinated ?
I notice this is a report on Germany:

As of Tuesday morning, 48.7% of the German population has received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine.

59% one dose per ecdc site. Good going in fairness