Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

The mother got the text today - receiving her second AstraZeneca on Friday, which is exactly 8 weeks and one day after dose one.

That’s good going in fairness, she was hopeful of getting it a week or two before the 12 weeks were up so the system seems to be relatively efficient that she’ll be done and dusted a full month early.


“Supply lines tighten”


Nolan will be rerunning his models like there’s no tomorrow

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I think 200k is fairly low based on the latest Belgium forecast for July.

Should be a minimum 200k Pfizer alone arriving into the country each week in July + 43780 ish doses of Moderna each week of July. The pfizer figures are back down to the agreed numbers in the contract. They were up compared to what was initially agreed for Q2.

Unless thing’s have tightened up since last week :man_shrugging:

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This would seem to suggest that Ireland is due to get at least 934k Pfizer/Moderna vaccines in the 4 weeks beginning in July.

So how can they fall to 200k a week when they have excess stock and around 300-400k AZ to give out also?

The spin to deflect away from their failure simply does not stand up to scrutiny.


Simple. Annual leave. No provision to bring in more vaccinators.


This is it.

Forward planning and contingencies are not in the vocabulary of the public sector.

The disappointing thing is the way the media and journalists lap up these soundbites. We’ve had 6 months of blaming supply lines when it clearly has not been an issue for at least the last 3.


We’ll be looking at around 5m (probably more) vaccines having being delivered by the end of June.

So going into June they should have probably 700k vaccines sitting in a fridge and another 900k coming in as well.

It should be well in their capabilities to be averaging around 400k pw in July in terms of supply, so why don’t they stop lying to us and admit that supply is not the issue. Poor planning and organisation is the problem.

It’s a farcical goal

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What they’re basically saying atm is that they will only get out in July what they have delivered up until the end of June. So one month of deliveries with nothing given out. :man_shrugging:t2:

What’s the rush? They can lock ye down any time they like

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And the media sitting there like lame ducks not bothering to question it.

At that rate I think the 30-35s will be waiting until mid August to have their first their first jab completed?

If they are down to 200k pw in August then you could say only 25-30% of those are likely to be first jabs.

Staff leave entitlements trump Delta.

They’re doing about 4% a week of first doses adults with Pfizer/Moderna currently which is 150k doses, all with seconds due in 4 weeks. Alongside AZ second doses, that would suggest zero new first doses….

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My second AZ is exactly 8 weeks after the first.

Presumably the first 3 weeks in July will be 200k-300k with the second doses of AZ being finished around the 19th. So I would say when they finish the AZ it will then drop off to 200k per week.

It’s been a shambolic rollout but the media are giving the government a free ride on it and the majority of people know no better.

200k would still be low. It would suggest just 50k fresh first doses?

The media are morons. There are still 220k of Pfizer and Moderna coming in per week in July which can still do 110k 1st doses going by their conservative strategy.

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Think Pfizer is min. 21 day gap between first and second but they want everyone done by 28th day …

That’s what I’d suspect. I did call it all along tbf. At that rate you’d probably be 8 weeks doing the 30-39s that still need to be vaccinated in terms of their first dose.

Once the rollout ramped up, then there was going to be knock on effect on the second doses due 4 weeks later.

But as you’ve said, it looks like what they are promising to give in July is basically their June stock.

Supply once again rolled out as the excuse when clearly it isn’t and any bit of due diligence by a reporter covering the vaccination rollout would have them able to callout that bullshit straight away.