Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Also why would supply be lowering.

You’d imagine the likes of Pfizer and Moderna should now be in a position where their production mechanisms are more efficient, streamlined and established and therefore their production capabilities even better?

You’re also at the stage where the likes of the US and UK are nearly finished with their rollouts so the EU should be able to get more supplies in the next few months to finish their vaccine rollout off.

It just doesn’t make any sense.

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The Tánaiste has said the Government will consider giving spare AstraZeneca vaccines to over 18s if advised to do so by the National Immunisation Advisory Committee.

Leo Varadkar said Ireland will have more AstraZeneca vaccines than it needs in the coming weeks and that NIAC is currently considering if it could offer them to younger people who are awaiting vaccination.

He said it would be a shame not to use the hundreds of thousands of excess doses that Ireland will have and while the issue of what to do with them does not arise yet, it will in the coming weeks.

Mr Varadkar said if that is what is advised by NIAC, the Government would consider giving AstraZeneca to over 18s because of the concern of a fourth wave driven by the Delta variant.

“Giving people vaccines that we have, to give them some protection, might be better option than saying, you’ve no protection now, you’ll have to wait 'til later,” he said.

Currently, NIAC advises that AstraZeneca is not recommended for people aged under 60, including those with medical conditions with very high or high-risk of severe Covid-19 disease.

The Tánaiste also added that any questions over the 600,000 Janssen (J&J) vaccines that are due to arrive in Ireland are academic, because there is no delivery date for these vaccines.

Due for Jab 2 of Pfizer next Tuesday 28 days after the first


No rush anyway

Would the AZ second dose coming forward by a month account for that?

Are you seriously entering this thread without apologising to me?

Aren’t you the lad that said we’d never do 250k a week?

Has anyone waited longer than 28 days? I’m having first Pfizer jab tomorrow. Hoping I’m not on holidays for second one …

Yes. A brother of mine was due a second Pfizer last Sunday. He got it today.

The delta + variant can evade the current vaccine. B.1.617.2 the original delta variant was 65% less transmissible, Delta + contains traces of K417N which first emerged in Nepal

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The missus was 29 days another mate of mine 30 days

Back to the drawing board and hoarding toilet roll we go.

It hides under mattresses.

Just took the young fella in for his second AZ shot there this morning. 37 days between the two shots.


343k doses administered last week.


That’s some going, there were lads out there saying we’d never even reach anywhere near 250k a week. How wrong they were, it looks like the vaccination programme is going gangbusters.

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You’d want to be a mug not have gotten the vaccine at this stage.


You were posted missing last week.

You’re very disingenuous, you should have had the bravery to appear here and apologise to me when you were shown up to be a know nothing.

I thought NIAC already advised that AZ could be given to younger cohorts if alternatives weren’t available and already advised against mixing vaccines.