Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

What do the numbers look like for the month, and for last month? Near enough a million or something like that?

I believe you said we’d never reach those numbers.

And even with all the setbacks and pauses and reworkings that had to be overcome. Some going.

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About 85k 1st dose and 258k second doses I think…

That’s fantastic going. Where are the lambasters who said we’d never his 250 per week now?

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66% first dose and 38% fully vaccinated.

You wouldn’t be misrepresenting what I said in bad faith?

You seem to be misrepresenting what people said in bad faith.

I didn’t misrepresent what you said.

You said we’d never hit 250k a week and we’d never hit a million a month.


You are misrepresenting what I said in bad faith.

If I said it then it’s easy for you to prove it, repeatedly you have failed to do so and only sought to misrepresent what I said in bad face because I won the argument.

You have no class or no integrity. What else would I expect from a vaccine thief.

No, I’m simply repeating what you said back to you.

That’s a lie.

You are repeating misrepresentations.

You said we would hit 450k pw. They have come nowhere near it.

No I didn’t, now you’re just making things up.

You did. You said it repeatedly.

Prescient posting back in March you’d have to say.

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And how wrong you were.

Wrong again.

Wrong again

Wrong again.

How are the hospital figures? Deaths? Cases? Even the ratio of severe illness to daily case figures, the link is more or less broken. We are in a completely different world. The change has been dramatic. All thanks to vaccination. Pints are widely available and being happily consumed, people are going on their holidays about Europe, and Irish people will be going off on their holidays in less than a month from now (many are already, but shhh).

We are in a dramatically different place to the first quarter of last year, as I said we would be.

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I’m just pointing out where you were wrong on the vaccine rollout, emphatically.

You are now trying to deflect after spending the last couple of weeks in hiding from this thread.

Deflection and misrepresentation are all you have. I was hoping you’d display an ounce of class and admit that I was completely vindicated here.

All targets are being missed and you said they’d be met, have some decency.

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I repeatedly said we’d doing about a million a month. How did that work out?

I also said the effects would be transformative. Also correct.

You repeatedly said the targets would be met. They are going to be missed emphatically and have been done so consistently.

Your only contention has been repeated misrepresentations of what I have said and refusal to back them up when asked to.

This has to be the most boring and pointless thread on this forum.