Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Where? Quote it.

I said months ago we’d be hitting a million a month and the effect would be transformative.

So it has proved.

Who is looking foolish now, idiot?



I’ve been thoroughly vindicated here.

The facts speak for themselves.

It’s not much interest to you who just wants to lockdown forever. Sidney vs Labane at 3 in the morning was where it’s at alright.


Us young folk need the nod and wink ireland. You should use every ways and means to sort yourself out. The vulnerable and elderly are sorted so no need to worry about feeling bad for jumping the queue

Now that’s disingenuousness @glasagusban!

I think it’s incredibly boring because it’s filled with obsessive, attention seeking gobshites, some worse than others, who have no intention of debating in a rational way, with one poster in particular making it utterly unreadable, as he does with everything he posts on. The subject is also incredibly boring.

Everything good about TFK is in this thread.


Why because the higher the number goes up closer to OIUTF we get?

No. Because it’s fairly obvious the vaccination programme is actually progressing pretty well and some people are obsessive cribbers and moaners for the sake of it, ie. genuinely dangerous nutcases.

This is the best thread on the forum imho. No matter what it’s positive at the end of the day. Easy to scroll through the boys measuring willy’s about who’s right. Just as any other thread some fellas go balls out

God forbid, eh mate?

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I wait with bated breath to see who’s correct about how many vaccines of each type are sitting in a fridge in Carlow.

I don’t care what anyone says.

I’m very proud about my work on this thread.

Some people just want to misrepresent others and more choose to run off the forum and have real life meltdowns over an internet forum.

I choose the honourable vehicle of informed, substantiated, well constructed, winning internet arguments.


I find some fellas on here really take this place much too seriously and allow it bleed into their real lives. It’s very disconcerting behaviour. TFK is an escape and a bit of crack. Leave the crazy in here when you leave.

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It’s never nice to see lads being openly groomed into insanity. :wink:

I’d agree. I feel sympathy for those people, I’ve only seen one instance on here with a poster trying to post real life identities of others on other platforms and so forth that made me shake my head.

When I put on my cape that night and had a can of Guinness, I just didn’t feel right when the sanctity of internet messageboards was forever trifled with.



Couldn’t care less about that now as it is irrelevant as they are ending up in people’s arms at the rate of a couple hundred thousand a week now. As a whole the program has done very well. Not perfect granted but significantly better Than I expected and I am very pleased at it. The vulnerable are basically sorted and now we are heading to eradication.

Even the health officials who I can’t stand and moaned about on this forum for the last year are putting out positive news that is logged here. CP’s keeping their claims I check with his magic spreadsheet that give me great confidence.

Great thread that brightens up a lot of the stupid stuff we would be arguing about here

When I get home in the evenings I used don a cape and drink a can of Guinness when conducting an evening’s internetting.

With Covid and everything and the lack of alternatives to do I kind of really keep my cape on most of the day.

Registered for vaccine and will get first dose within a week of registering. Which is good going. I know my mother was waiting about 2 weeks before even getting a date for the vaccine after registering.

What does concern me though is that the target was to hit 2 million for the month of July. So the trajectory is to keep rising on what it was in May and June, but not only is not not increasing, or at least holding the line of progression, but they are decreasing to less than 50% of what they initially expected. I hope its a case of drastically underselling so that when they achieve this feeble target it will only be slightly less than what they had expected at the start of May. They had increased numbers and things looked to be getting better, but this is a serious set back

The vast majority of case right now are in the age category that is being targeted for July vaccines, so it really should be ramping up to help bring case numbers down. Reducing vaccines in July is not good and I do hope its just poor mouth talking and they do get their 450,000 per day targets.

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Not a chance will they do it.

The 2m pledge for July was because they missed previous targets significantly.