Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Massive numbers :clap::clap::clap:

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Quite poor based on the 1st/2nd doses tbh. Over 300k Pfizer and Moderna into the country and less than 100k of them given out.

They should be criticised when it matters.

If the numbers are good enough for @glasagusban then they are good enough for me. He’s the go to guy on the vaccine roll out

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Any sign of the doors of registration being FLUNG open for fellas below 35s (or fellas who may be turning below 35 in the coming days)?

What would you do if the doors were flung open on your 35th birthday.


I guess I’d just have to wait until the 2022 vaccine roll-out and hope I didn’t get shtung on my birthday again.

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An appointment has appeared for me on the vaccine portal even though I didn’t receive a text. Bridie from the text message department must be on annual leave.

The text will follow shorty

I got me first dose of Moderna at Ballybrit racecourse today. It’s a very impressive operation they have going on there. In and out in about 32 minutes. Very airport like. Must be several thousand going through there a day. I was even able to place a bet on the 3:25 at Doncaster at one of the Tote hatches as I was giving my details, which was nice.

Contrary to the experiences of other people, it seems the 5G now coursing through me has played havoc with my computer. Internet connection was poor when I got home and my laptop touchpad went on the the blink this evening. However I’m quietly confident I’ll be able to pick up TFK internally by tomorrow, negating the need for electronic devices ever again.


Great to hear, we are all getting closer to the end now. I can’t wait to discuss the restrictions with you straight into the brain :joy::joy:.

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The vaccination programme is going gangbusters.


No it’s not. They have missed their original targets and most of their revised targets too.

It’s been shambolic. You have had your arse handed to you on this.


I’m after realizing that we should be updating the factor for Pfizer doses delivered from July. The most recent factor for Q1 was 2.13 I think. The factor I was using in Q2 was 2.067 The 2.067 was used because of the extra doses that were made available in Q2. 550k extra doses of Pfizer. Vaccine boost: Ireland to get over 500,000 additional Pfizer doses as part of wider EU agreement

Pfizer are basically back to agreed deliveries from July 1st. So based on that it would be around 207k doses of Pfizer due in each week of July. (Based off the latest Belgium forecast)

So the 200k weekly figure for July is beginning to make some bit of sense sense now. I think we wont see vaccine figures drop to near 200k until the week beginning the 19th of July. Reason for that is all the AZ second doses should be completed by then. So only 2 vaccines in play (in MVCs) unless there is a change in advice from NIAC which would see AZ/Janssen being rolled out to younger cohorts.

On the week beginning the 19th, there will be 207k Pfizer and just under 44k Moderna delivered. So that’s 251k doses of vaccine which can be rolled out with no age restrictions.
There should be another 251k Pfizer/Moderna due the week of the 26th. Moderna has requested that 50% of its vaccine is held back for second doses.

Assuming no further change from NIAC I think the doses administered figure will drop to 210k-220k.

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My biggest criticism of the thing is not keeping up with the science. Mix the vaccines. Give AZ to everyone as a first shot and follow up with a Pfizer.

What about the huge Moderna reserves in stock?

And Pfizer I assume. It’s not as if the vaccines administered has been outsripping the supply in recent months? They must have somewhere between 500k-1m sitting in a fridge at present.

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Merkel got AZ followed by Moderna. NIAC don’t seem to be in favour however.

They will never hit 250k a week

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