Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

They may have missed some targets (it’s the bloody HSE) but they’ve the back broken on it now. Those in danger are sorted

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That it. Loads of fuck ups along the way but once they’re getting through the big numbers they’re largely irrelevant. Could be better obviously. The biggest criticism is being behind the science, mix the vaccines and get them into people faster, it’s a no brainer.

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Got the nod for Moderna next Wednesday. A few friends similar.

They could go better, and they should, and the HSE is not good at this, or anything, but there’s savage uptake of vaccines. That’s the most important thing.

Lash em out, keep it up, the end is in sight.

How are we doing vs Denmark @Copper_pipe

Mixing doses will slow down the overall rollout atm

In that case grand I’ll shut up so.


208572 first doses and 103077 second doses. So 311649 total Moderna administered which means a stock level of 68751. There are 105k people waiting on a 2nd dose of Moderna. They don’t have enough in reserve to cover that. With 44k doses per week arriving into the country it would take you 3 weeks of deliveries to get the 100k if you used up all the reserve on first doses. That messes up the 2nd dose intervals.

For Pfizer,


434k in reserve with 530k waiting on a 2nd dose.

I think the Moderna is wrong there, likely another delivery there for W24- that’s the W23 delivery if you get me.

The reporting is a bit of a mess tbh. According to the vaccine tracker Ireland has administered more AZ than it has received…

Yeah something is off with it the last week or so.

Most recent data for Denmark is from Thursday.

68% of the adult population has at least 1 dose and 37% fully vaccinated.

Ireland had 40% of the adult population vaccinated as of COB yesterday. 66% first dose was the figure given on Thursday at the HSE briefing.

Vaccine uptake in Ireland and Denmark is very high.


Still a good amount in the 60-69 cohort waiting on their 2nd jab. Anyone waiting at this stage in that cohort would have got AZ so they’ll be done by the 19th of July. If things are delayed I’d expect this figure will be mentioned. A few more weeks etc…

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Could be between 400k and 500k unused AZ doses at the end of July/beginning of August if NIAC don’t approve its user for younger cohorts.

The ECDC report has the 18-24 population at 433572.

Even with the 8 week wait for a second dose, people in the low 20s may end up getting their 2nd AZ jab quicker than if they waited for Pfizer or Moderna. If you were offered an AZ jab tomorrow, you’d have to think could you see yourself getting a Pfizer/Moderna jab in the next 4 weeks.

The Janssen would be very popular with the 18-24 cohort if it were available on an opt in basis I’d say.

Had the second jab just there. I’m out of this thread.


This is where the vaccine roll out not meeting targets is now being used as an excuse to delay opening things up further. There is no justification at all for the over 60s not to have had two doses by now. And the fact that they are using a failed target to delay opening things up further just highlights the ineptitude of the government and HSE in all of this.


My view is that we should keep going with the portal but allow pharmacies to do AZ and J&J when available, for all ages that opt for it. NIAC need to move on this this week.

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NIAC? Move??

I was due to have my second dose of Pfizer on Tuesday alas as everyone knows other matters have taken precedence i rang the HSE helpline and they couldn’t have been nicer. I
outlined my situation with the mothers funeral being on Tuesday and the lad I spoke with said I would get a call back. Duly received 25 minutes later and I am now rescheduled for Wednesday evening. I was expecting a bureaucratic screen to be put up but they couldn’t have been more helpful.