Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Exactly. Some of it is people in remote areas. Some of it is old people not being tech savvy to get registered. Some of it is people who can’t be arsed to sort their parents out “because they don’t go anywhere”. Some of it is long term suspicion of the State for obvious reasons.

Who in their right minds would lock up people who’ve tested negative for vivid for two weeks, and charge them for it?

Ireland, that’s who.


Case numbers very low here, about a hundred a day. Probably scaled back the testing though.

They can test negative, repeatedly, and still remain locked up.

You’d want to be some mug to get and get yourself tested these days.

Might be the easiest solution to getting out of it once you’ve a critical mass injected

maybe they should start testing them for covid??

I feel safer, do you?

Damn Mongolians and Kyrgistanis.

God damn Mongolians, every time the Irish try to put up a Covid wall they have to come and knock it down

the sustems is nuts.

the neighbours daughter flew home from the states last week. shes fully vaccinated and tested weekly in the hospital where she works and even with that she has to get tested again while shes here which entails going outside her isolation bubble.

the whole thing is ripe for a legal challenge

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An Irish solution to an Irish problem.

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She won’t have to from July 19th, because Covid will start recognising the effectiveness of vaccines from that date


covid loves a summer vaccine

Toss of a coin surely if chicken nuggets or covid would be more of a danger to a child

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at least the nuggets will have antibiotics and steroids

39 year olds getting the call up (well this one anyway for Saturday)

Any sign of the portal coming back @Copper_pipe?

No :frowning:

I hadn’t planned on any time off.
A week fucked sick from a vaccine, that stops you getting a couple of days head cold? Now that’s some cod.

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