Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

I’m getting my 2nd Pfizer at 3pm today


The ECDC numbers seems to be caught up though, broadly speaking. Maybe a day behind. Previously there were around 200k doses missing when they would update it daily, which were the GP doses.

Be good to have an idea what vaccine doses they have at hand.

The portal would break down how many AZ, Pfizer, Moderna etc had been administered.

ECDC says 4.6m received and 4.05k administered. Will need to check the underlying data to see if that includes the big Pfizer and/or AZ due in this week. I’m thinking it includes one of them as I was thinking around 5m were due in before the end of June.

Either way, serious number in the fridge. 75k of them will be J&J and could start going out today to younger cohorts in pharmacies if the HSE gets a move on.

Yeah but there was clarity when the portal was there.

It broke it down the vaccines given by which ones and you could cross reference that with say

3m Pfizer received 2.8m given etc

Particularly useful when it comes to seeing where you’re at currently.

What’s the story with J&J, surely a big lot due in July for the June missed targets. Could do a serious amount of the u35s in one shot if that goes well.

You can do that via the ECDC, it’s way easier in fact

I always thought the HSE portal was shit. The only handy aspect was that you got a split of 1st and 2nd daily easily

Aye but the ECDC numbers are off are they not.

They have more AZ vaccines administered than received!

we all got ours down here on Monday, met a load of people from around the area and lads I went to school with Monday morning. The lunchtime time slots were full of 38 and 37 year olds and afternoon had 36 and 35 year olds. Each region seems to be on different time lines really, but anecdotally they got through a massive amount of the 35-39 age cohort on Monday, within a week of registration opening which is very good.

A friend of mine is in Straffan. His Mrs is 41 and eventually rang the GP last Friday who just said come in to him. Her sister (38) was done in Gorey the same day.

At the centre this morning 3 of us who would have birthdays within a couple of weeks of each other all had appointments together.

Is there any point lashing out the J&J at all at this stage? A lot less effective and we’ve fuck all of them anyway. They would have been handy 3 months ago alright, but at this stage?

It’s effective against the Delta variant. If it is subsequently found that mixing doses works well to provide further protection, do that- it’s the same thing. You only start the clock and give some protection by giving them out. These will primarily go to 20 and young 30 somethings, it’s a no brainer to use them.

How many of them will we have by the end of August?

We should have over 230k by the end of July, with 70k used now.

You can essentially start the clock for double dosing people quicker.

I’d love a Johnson and Johnson. One jab and away you go

John Connors thought it was discriminatory that travellers were getting it because they couldn’t be depended on to turn up for a second dose

You’ll end up getting another one anyway I’d guess

I’m 2 and done now let me into a pub ta fook defo heading foreign later in the year now


The father is after getting an appointment for Saturday evening. He’ll miss some of the match :grimacing:

2nd dose Moderna