Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Yeah I would. It feels like a pulled muscle for a few days.

Before I went for the vaccine I got a text with a link to my online profile, where I had to answer questions around consent, shock etc.
Then the vaccinator asked the same questions, and documents other stuff on a sheet of paper. It seems like the vaccinators don’t have access to the online portal?

I heard if you don’t answer the questions “correctly” then your appointment would get cancelled.

Don’t bother answering the questions using the link and just answer on the day.

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140k J&J vaccines.

Am I reading that right?

It reads like it anyway.

177700 doses delivered up to Sunday.

Belgium are expecting 153600 which would mean a decent delivery for Ireland this week.

I’ve done this up quickly. Based the Irish stock figures off the Belgian figures by dividing all by the 2.33 divider.


That’s up to Tuesday.

There’s currently close to 1.5m (arguably more) vaccines sitting in a fridge but supply is the issue with why the vaccine rollout will slow down to 200k per week at the end of the month. There’s close to 1m vaccines due from next week until the end of the month in addition to that.

Can they just be honest and admit that staffing, organisation and poor planning are the reasons for the slowdown and missed targets? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: They have the supply to easily meet the 6m target by the end of July.

Nearly 200k of J&J to give out. Over 5% of the adult population that they can give out in pharmacies starting from today.

It should be started straight away, appointments open to all

Whatever about that. Look at the Pfizer figures!!!

Over 1m in stock.

We are going gangbuster according to @glasagusban :rofl: :rofl:

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The ECDC figures on deliveries doses must be way out.

The dashboard in Belgium has 13m received.

Going gangbusters with 1.5m vaccines sitting in a fridge…

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We went the opposite way of where we needed to go.

We should have been handing out more than 50% of stock received per week as first doses, we were handing out 25%-30%.

It seems that they pivoted to AZ second doses, but didn’t ramp it to the 450k they promised. Why didn’t they substitute second doses of AZ to J&J at pharmacies?

Whatever about it.

Since the inception of the vaccine rollout, missed targets have been blamed on supply.

That is utter horseshit, it doesn’t have any basis, is exposed at the slightest bit of scrutiny.

Whatever has been done wrong to now, they have the supply there to meet their commitments of 2m vaccines in the month of July and nobody seems to bother querying how supply could possibly be an issue.

We know they are going to fail at it but they are going to continue wheeling out supply as the reason without any journalist bothering to do their job.

They met them in April and May. There seems to have been a big failure with pharmacists in June.

They’ve fucked it up immensely, missed every initial target they set, missed most revised targets and blamed it on supply when they have 1.5m vaccines in a fridge?

How so?

Whats the hold up on getting more 1st doses. By my calculations there is between 600-700k waiting on a 2nd dose (20% of 3.2 million).

If we have 1.5 million doses at hand we can get another 700-900k first doses done.

At end of July with 83% with 1 dose and 63% fully vaccinated.

I’m open to correction here but the weekly target should be 375000 for all of july

They administered 50% of what they had from Pfizer and Moderna in April and May, releasing excess stocks. They also used up all of the AZ they had. J&J was slower but tiny.

They have well over 1m in a fridge for Pfizer and Moderna and another 1m or so due in this month for them. The only issue they are having is not being able to get them into arms in a timely and efficient manner. Everything else is an irrelevance. They were promising over 400k pw in July and have rolled back on those promises due to “supply” issues.

The pharmacy one was a bit stupid anyways and only wasted doses when it was restricted to over 50’s who hadn’t already gone through the GP and MVC process.

They were struggling to find candidates with those criteria imposed.

Was bizarre.