Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Is there something to back this up?

That’s a great job. I was in a good few places today and none of them knew how many they would have yet

My word is enough

13 day turnaround for me (39) from registering to jab. 11 for my neighbour (37).

Aviva stadium for me so they seem to be slower than the smaller centres

28 days from registration to appointment for me at the Aviva.

Yeah seems to be 3 to 4 weeks for anyone I know who got it there. 1.5 to 2 hours from start of queue to leaving the place after the 15 minute observation time as well.

first dose i was done in 45 mins, dose 2 was 1 hour

The 60-69 year old 2nd AZ doses should be done by around the 12th or 13th.

I was 45 minutes queuing up to get into the stadium :grinning:

my appointments were for 12 and 2pm. bit busier the second time around but the queue to get it was 2 minutes. the real queueing started once you got up the escalators

2pm was my slot so probably busier in the afternoon

I was Aviva - 4.30 in the afternoon. Almost 2 hours end to end.

It was like Disney world the way they had queues hidden around corners. Every time you thought you were getting close it was just up a floor to another queue.

I thought when I got to the end of the outdoor queue that was the end of it :grinning: some shock when the steward said another hour anyway inside. Theyreprocessing big numbers so I’d be inclined to give them the benefit of doubt

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I was 30 minutes in total for jab 1 40 minutes for jab 2

Looks like a dose of cancer has its perks after all

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Ah yeah - it is what it is - better to have it than not. I’d had the tip off about queues so had a paper with me, was able to grapple with the crossword as I went


2nd jab next Friday.

So, two shots within 26 days.

I don’t know what I was thinking I hadn’t really thought about it but I thought I’d be in and out in half an hour. Ended up missing a meeting that I left in the diary thinking I’d be back. When I was leaving though they had opened the back gate so the queue was going all the way back to the back of Wanderers pitch so the people at the back of that had at least an hour of an outside queue ahead of them and it started raining. Grim enough.

It had a similar energy to getting off a long-haul flight and being confronted with a massive queue for immigration.