Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

The Romanian vaccines only have a couple of weeks shelf life in em. They’ll land next week and will need to be lashed out

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Romania have had 35k doses of AZ expire as of Wednesday.

The uptake in Romania is so bad that the Argentina rugby team ended up getting vaccinated in Romania.

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Sound of the Romanians. Pity they’ll all be dead from delta now in a few months. You’d feel sorry for them really.

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They will have to move up the portal soon you’d guess.

700k extra people to get a vaccine this month. Will be done in a few weeks.


If they turned around and said look lads, give us three weeks to lash through this and then ye can rock and roll I think everyone would say fair enough. It’s this lockdown indefinitely shite that would drive you mental


The doses from Romania should bring the below dates forward by 2 or 3 weeks I’d say.

What will it take for Herr Tony to allow the pubs and restaurants to open, full capacity at matches etc?

90%+ adults fully vaccinated?

Full House for AISHF

I was in and out it of the Aviva in 30 minutes, including the 15 minute observation time, on Wednesday

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Thanks to those that advised you don’t have to strictly follow the scheduled vaccination time. I sent my life partner to her DCU evening appointment a couple of hours early and she was back making my dinner within the hour.


A pair of crutches and driving straight to a handicapped spot in citywest is key apparently

Well funnily enough when surprise was expressed by those around me when the steward said we had at least another hour to go when we got to the stadium entrance he said “yeah that’s what it usually takes at busy times” I thought to myself well do ye not determine how busy it gets at any particular time. I didn’t say anything of course because it wasn’t that chap running the operation and also I’m a great guy. I presume it has something to do with how much vaccine is available on any given day but it did seem strange to me that they told about 500 people to come to the Aviva at the same time when they can’t process that many people without long delays.

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Was in and out on 30 mins a few weeks back bro

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In and out of mallow in 25 mins myself including standing in line and 15 mins wait after the jab. The aviva sounds like a shit show

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Big test for the HSE now. There should be 500k weeks going by the amount they have and are getting in.

They need to start releasing more to the pharmacies to cope.

Next week for example they are due to give out 124k Pfizer second doses, a similar number of AZ second doses and 23k second doses of Moderna. Then you consider that they have a shitload of Pfizer in the fridge already, 220k a week of Pfizer/Moderna arriving, all the J&J to give out and these additional 1m doses arriving in that have to be used ASAP.

You’d have a bit of sympathy for them this weekend working it all out…!


I couldn’t believe when my 2 said they had got appointments for pharmacies for the Jansen jab next week based on what they said amongst all their pals between them I reckon 80%+ plus of the 18-30 age group will get the vaccine

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They are not all doing it. You had to register an interest and many didn’t as they won’t have space, or resources, to do this and keeep the day to day going. I’d say of 10 nearest pharmacies to me only half are doing it

Less the opportunity cost of what else they could be doing.

A right earner if you have excess capacity.

You could jab 20 people in an hour and have one person monitoring them all for the 15 mins I’d say.

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