Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

It’s like dropping a free 10 yards short.

It’s easy throw out big daily figures to impress gullible people, but without the context of their target they are meaningless. If we were at the 82% target now there would have no issues with opening indoor dining.


Where did you hear about extended hours? Absolutely needs to happen. In fact they should start doing it the moment the vaccines clear due diligence. We already have a huge stockpile here.

Look, that rugby game against Japan was much more important than a global pandemic. Lads need to make allowances.


Looks like early September for full vaccination. Wasnt there some guy here saying it would be November?

This means I’ll be able to bring the missus into the restaurant or pub with me. That’s great…

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I’m due for my second Pfizer shot tomorrow.

Should I get it in the other arm for maximum effect

Enjoy it while you can. You’ll have a few weeks grace yet.

Things will have to open July 19th.
And there should be an extra day tagged onto the August Bank Holiday weekend.

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Who said that?


What’s the story with people vaccinated in the North or in the UK? How will they be asked to prove their vaccine status?

They ask the Archbishop to write them a letter.

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With a Blue Vaccine Passport

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Could I get tables for two please?

Don’t you mean table?

No. A table for me inside and a table for my missus outside.

ROFL. LOLZ. Bantz.

They will now on this vaccine passport basis. Talks yesterday with the industry and more to follow on Thursday, which is basically more performative bullshit.

The government remain very wary of disregarding NPHET advice after what happened at Christmas. So they have to show they’re carefully designing a plan with “stakeholder” input that will mitigate the risks NPHET have identified.

Meanwhile, the industry have rolled over after their initial anger about 5 July being postponed. That Cummins fella has forgotten about his previous concerns for unvaccinated staff and how it wouldn’t be fair to turn unvaccinated customers away. He’s now part of the process this week.

We’ll have more earnest press conferences and media appearances from both sides post Thursday and then they’ll announce the basis for reopening on 19 July.

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Lads, we can’t be seen to go against NPHET.
Well we don’t want to discriminate against our regulars who are vaccinated and unvaccinated.
What we’ll do is bring in this letter, and let ye police it (hu hu wink wink).
We will police it rigorously.

Job done.

That heavy lad from RTE Investigates who caught out pubs around Leinster House throwing out a few pints without requiring the purchase of a €9 meal will be dusting down his hidden camera and microphone again.

“We expose how an unvaccinated teenager from Cavan was able to order a three course meal in a restaurant without being asked for proof of vaccination.”


Is it legal to discriminate against someone based on their vaccination status? Bit shit to discriminate against me when I haven’t yet been offered it.

What if one was against vaccination for religious or cultural reasons?
