Vaccine Numbers Log Thread


1.42m Pfizer shots came into the country for the 5 weeks coming up to the last week. Only 486k we’re given out as first doses, just 34%. That % has gotten worse as the weeks have gone on.

The HSE are therefore 225k (6% of the adult pop) behind where they would be on the basis of their own strategy.

With a further 1m coming in, how will they cope with getting them out?


I don’t know why the pub the industry bothered to invest in all of these things when they got no advice from the health authorities or government.

Why would you bother your bollix trying to operate a business in this country?

In fairness though, that is one exceptional premises. For every pub in the country with 13m high ceilings and vents, there will be hundreds with 3m high ceilings and no ventilation.

Most of the indoor pubs will have spent a fortune on perspex screens etc last summer so they could open for 6 weeks. By the time they get to open again there will be need for any of them.

Why though, all the vulnerable are vaccinnated.

Not yet.

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from a legal perspective, its an absolute landmine and its highly suspect that the govt could make the case. then again, the supreme court is stacked up with the “at risk cohort”


Agree. But they bought in those machines, have the dividers up etc. The authorities provided little guidance to them but any went off and did this stuff last summer. I don’t think any publican should have backed the authorities rewarding them for being even more proactive this year.

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Hotels are still open for indoor dining and drinking. In Donegal they’ll throw you a hotel
Room key to allow it

Never struck me as a place I should bother to go into.

I’d say the dividers and the ionizers offer no protection against the delta variant.

I’d say they cost fuck all. They probably got a grant for them as well.

just to add to this, while im on the subject, a lot of the covid regulations e.g. MHQ etc, are legally dubious and thats why the cases were settled rather than having a court throw out the whole lot

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Perspex was in high demand last year so pretty expensive compared to usual prices.

They cost the same but if they get a grant for them it just means we’ll all be paying for them.

No interest in the Bank?

All the riot shields?

I think they got grants for outdoor this year, many had spent their own money last year on them only to be closed. I’m not sure on other stuff.

They have received little to no guidance.

HSE never cope, they have had 18 months to beef up a covid response strategy and they have failed.
What is HSE strategy? HSE whine to Government that Hospitals cannot cope and Government goes to Level 5. rinse, repeat.

You’d be as well off retraining as, say, eh, a teacher?

Or maybe a fella who can fix a bit of Perspex