Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Second Pfizer shot is done.

See yiz all in Coppers


Can’t do that.

I’m not vaccinated yet.

It’s 50 doses per pharmacy per week right?

That’s €2,250 per week - not bad money for about 5 hours work.

What was the gap between your two ?

34 days

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Look at this simpleton making an absolute arse out of himself again.

At least the Healy raes have some comic relief.



Lad in work is 33, registered at 1am this morning and got a text there for an appointment on Tuesday in City Hall in Cork.

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Saw Danny there this morning heading for the Convention Centre is an 07 E Class Merc.

Brilliant effort to miss their target by over 12%

Cc @TreatyStones


Flying through them in Cork. Still haven’t finished 35+ in Limerick. I suppose the days racing didn’t help

The eldest 23 got the J&J this morning, youngest 18 getting it tomorrow. The brother in law 62 is still waiting on the second shot of AZ.


He should get that next week.

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They’ll need to extend mvc opening hours and lash through them. People won’t tolerate waiting if it means they are missing out on vaccination privileges.

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I’ll not be wiping down a shopping trolley again.

That’s freedom right there.


How do people get contacted for the second jab? I went to a mvc. Is it a text or something I’m dummy second dose next week

Keep an eye on the portal.

Some people having issue with getting the texts.

Yeah text message or they call from a 083 number and ask for PPS to verify appointment date.