Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

I got a pcr test there. It’s a lovely suitable and accessible facility.

It going even gangbustersier

The venue move in Limerick was also seamless. They just kept both venues closed for 3 days.


They’ve two venues going in Louth now.
The Mrs got her first one in Dundalk. I got mine in Drogheda last weekend. My neighbour got his the same day in Dundalk.

The Mrs got the call up for #2 in Drogheda. I’ve a feeling they’ve bigger capacity there and/or the Dundalk one is a hotel and it will be phased out altogether soon.

In late May he had the targeted first doses down as 72% - 77%, that being after the J&J stuff. We missed that badly and it isn’t down to a dose by dose factor, it’s down to them not pivoting from pharmacists giving out just J&J to other vaccines sooner. They could and should have got to 75%.

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I got Pfizer number 2 yesterday. I did a reformer Pilates class last evening and a HIIT gym class this morning.

I’ve had no side effects and even the arm less sore than first one.

Side effects are a cod.


Side effects are for the young mate. I don’t think auld lads have to worry about it

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That’s what I was told. The fitter you are the more likely you are to have side effects.

People in robust health tend to have strong reactions, those of weak constitution not so much, anecdotally.

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That’s a relief. I shat myself 3 days after getting the first jab. It’s because I’m very fit.


@TheUlteriorMotive has been badly exposed here

How many GP doses are still missing ffs?

I’ve no truck with the platitudes handed to lads who feel a “bit off”

40 per cent of lads who had the saline placebo had side effects ffs sake.

In fact……

Increasing data has shown that the side-effects and vaccines tend to work differently across genders. Women, more than men, tend to experience harsher, and more intense side-effects from the vaccine doses, in comparison to their counterparts. This could also lead to a difference in reporting of symptoms, between men and women.

One of the reasons why women tend to experience more side-effects could be because of the way hormones interact with the immune-system make-up. Heightened estrogen levels may lead to more inflammatory reactions, and increase the duration of the side-effects as well.

It’s important for men to monitor their estrogen levels in summer months.

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A few lads have been badly exposed here as having high estrogen levels.

Fella on the radio said vaccinations would slow down this week to 280k? Paul Reid said it apparently? Da fuck @Copper_pipe

They’ve more than half that done to Wednesday

Aviva closed for the rugger

Here comes the boosters