Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Just got the first shot of the Microsoft chip there.

Jaysus tis some operation.

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Is this just the regular vaccination program doing second doses or is it additional capacity?

You’ll have the Blue Screen of Death by tomorrow morning.

Got it myself earlier. Smooth operation now to be fair to them. Nothing from Bill Gates yet, but I’ve only half the receiver I suppose

Approx 33k in the over 60s still waiting on the 2nd AZ job. Will be done before Monday.

After that the AZ will be available to the 18-34 group in an opt-in basis. That registration is due to open this week.

Surely anyone under 30 will wait for Pfizer/Moderna or get J&J?

AZ is 8 weeks of an interval still?

AZ interval down to 4 weeks.

I’ve my name on a list for Janssen but no word yet. As things stand I’ll be waiting until the start of August before I can register for Pfizer/Moderna. (25-29 cohort). Not taking any Romania doses into account.

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got my appointment :+1:


Eligible for the Cork weirdos thread now for sure


26/5 got sms advising that I would be receiving the Moderna vaccine, researched it that night and liked the science behind it. Figured if it was good enough for my system that I’d purchase some Moderna stock too.
Bought in May 27th and as of today its up 38%


The Windows Update in a few weeks will be when it kicks in.

Some amount of fellas/lassies there whose sole job was to point you in the same direction all the arrows on the floor and the walls were pointing. Keeps the whole thing ticking along I suppose. My hands have never been as sanitary.

I’ve to up my game to qualify for that

I dunno boi you’re a cookies fan as well. Most likely some skeletons in that closet :eyes::rofl:

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Have you learned to drive a wagon yet?

explain that one

:thinking: He’s a cookie ie. A young munster fan… If that’s what was confusing you

I’m one myself, and a schoolboy player so it was more the second part to be honest

Sure all the cookies are quare hawks

In what way?

A touch mad. In a good way kid. Relax

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