Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

I was just curious where you were going with that one

Lot of close ties with my own club which I’m sure you’re well aware of being a staunch cookie

@EstebanSexface spoiling for a fight to pass the evening.


Mad as a bag of cut snakes them cookies shur.

:joy::joy: the skeletons are buried in the killing fields kid

I need to trade in the caravan for one first


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I got the J&J yesterday morning. I was fine for a few hours and then slowly descended into hell. Fever, chills, headache and delerium all night, not pleasant at all.

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Boots have a Janssen appointments is some stores

how are you now?

Still fairly shook, but I think the worst of it has passed.

Would you recommending clearing the schedule for the day of the jab?

I hope your birthday doesn’t fall on the wrong date mate!!

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I’m closer to 26 than 25 so I should be ok :ok_hand:

Hopefully your 26th birthday doesn’t fall the day before the portal opens to 26 year olds or you’re screwed.

I can confirm my 26th birthday is not within the next week.

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Which one are you getting? I got a pfizer, was back in the office at 9 and worked as usual. no issue with it at all.


Pfizer seems to have the least side effects.


Wasnt there a poster here saying vacinnations wouldnt be complete until November? Looks like he is going to be 2 months out.