Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

If I’m registering for this tomorrow, when do you reckon I’ll get my first/second jab?

Depends on your location really.

Who said that?

The doses from Romania must be on the way.

Last week they were saying it’d be the start of August before the 25-29s could register for an MRNA vaccine.

cc @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy


I had zero issues after both shots of Pfizer

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Between the stock on hand and the J&J, they could clear the rest of the 30s is my guess.

More stock next week so even without Romanian doses they could get there. I’d say this is more down to AZ seconds stopping and us seeing capacity now to go back at 1st jabs in a big way.

I had the same when I got it. You might feel a bit tired two days after still.

48k Janssen delivered last week apparently

Pfizer is a Rolls Royce of a vaccine. I got mugged off with that Moderna poison


is it completely random what they’ll stick you with?

Total doses up by 60436.

52949 down as administered yesterday.

About 21k of the over 60s waiting on the 2nd AZ dose.

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I think so. Unless you register for the Janssen one at a pharmacy

If you registered on the portal you’ll be getting Moderna/Pfizer.

and it’s a toss up as to which of them you’ll get?

I’d say it’s more likely you’ll get the Pfizer. More of that around

Some restaurants are only allowing Pfizer Covid passport holders in

You’d be mad to ate anywhere else really

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I’ve a lash of meeting the afternoon i’m down to get jabbed. Could do without being welded to the bed

Yeah Moderna makes up less than 10% of doses administered to date. Pfizer is 65.7%

You’ll be fine. Take two paracetamol before it and some solpadeine after if you want to derisk it more. Most people have a sore arm and that’s it.

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