Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

I wonder is there more than just the J&J? Some pharmacies giving out Pfizer too.

Yeah some are definitely giving out Pfizer alright. By comparing the doses administered on the dashboard to the Geohive system you should be able to give an estimate of how Pfizer were added from GPs.

Registered myself there.

Before the end of the process it gives an option to opt in for AZ.


Do you think that you’ll get it before another one?

No idea. I’ve all 3 options ticked so whatever I get I’ll take.

You can’t undo the opt in once you complete the registration either.

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Oh okay, thought you had to go for either/or. Worth opting in so.


3 boxes and 2 are pre selected that you can’t untick.

You can check/uncheck the AZ option.

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Lovely. You should get AZ really quick so as I doubt there’ll be a big opt in.

Not if we all have the same idea!

I can’t see much demand from 25s given Pfizer and Moderna is available to them. Then you have all the 18-24 who are vaccinated already and some who’ll hang on. I’d say you’ll be sorted quickly enough, although is there more AZ supply due in this week?

Around 18700 this week and 52k next week.

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Egg will be taoiseach if we aren’t careful

Seems the government don’t have the astrazeneca second doses to finish off the over 50s / 60s. That’s the reason for all the bullshit.

There’s 22k left to be done and they’ll be done by Monday latest I’d say.

Not true as far as I know.

You’d a quick edit there to cover yourself :smiley:

I didn’t. I hadn’t finished my post.

You added the “as far as I know” I saw it myself. :sunglasses:

Yes I hadn’t finished my post.

I would describe my day after the first shot of Pfizer as like a day after playing a robust hurling match on hard ground. Muscle fatigue but nothing else.

A fella who got the same vaccine 5 mins after me had no effects whatsoever other than a sore arm.

@Batigol took a long shlug out of his pint and said we were both soft cunts.