Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Squared a pharmacy vaccine appointment for the nephew. :sunglasses::eyes:


Got up this morning and was flying it. No side effects thank god. Was ate’n paracetamol like sweets yesterday.

God be with the days you used get him tickets for rap concerts, and now it’s vaccines. The world is fucked.


I registered this morning and have just been offered Moderna on Monday morning but I have told them where to go.

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I hadn’t even a sore arm after az # 2. Paddy must be awful immune system compromised


It’s all the drink unfortunately has Paddy’s immune system run down to nothing

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Great news mate

HSE Dashboard has updated again.

Total doses administered has increased by 89230. Janssen is 35k of these.

77% of adults with a dose so. Any sign of more Belgian J&J deliveries, I read we are due a further 150k here in July. Be great to just get them in 18-24 year olds over the next two weeks.

Nope, they haven’t got a delivery of Janssen since the 8th.

From last weekend’s update

Same graph but now including the 83k doses that were added to the system yesterday.

It’s 100% skewed.

Cc @Tim_Riggins

The Janssen appears to have dried up.

Quite strange that they still don’t have any consistent pattern. Even AZ we’re getting into one of late.




Based on recent deliveries I’d expect around 180k Pfizer and 59k Moderna this week.

Is the Romanian doses factored into your tracker? And how does that line up with this prediction from Reid?

There should be more than enough to get the 25-29 year olds done without Romanian doses.

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Nope. Just the standard deliveries.

There hasn’t been official delivery schedule update from the Department of Health since the cyber attack. I’m making my estimates based on recent deliveries as confirmed by the weekly ECDC reports. They’ve been fairly accurate so far.

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I haven’t checked in a few days on a laptop but see the ECDC have 3.85m Pfizer doses delivered to Ireland with 3.34m administered according to Geohive. Not sure if those deliveries include this week for Ireland but we couldn’t be talking about more than 300k second doses needed to hold back. So 200k at least ready to give out as 1st, plus this weeks deliveries and next, along with 100k J&J to be given out.

That gets you to the 500k or so I estimate is needed more to get all over 18s who want one vaccinated. Maybe 600k at a push.