Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Why would you have an issue with boosters or annual jabs? I don’t. If it’s the way out then great. Seems pretty simple and easy and manageable.

As to whether vaccine passes are still necessary as time goes on, my hope is that they wouldn’t be. My understanding is that if we get to a high enough level of vaccination they wouldn’t be necessary. Maybe if booster take up became low or a new strain came along that overtook vaccines they might become necessary again.

My own view is that they shouldn’t be necessary and that testing should an appropriate alternative, but I don’t have a big deal with it. It’s acceptable when the alternatives are either more of the last year and a half of restrictions we’ve had or scenes like Madrid or new York with hospitals overwhelmed. Compared to those alternatives I’m totally happy with boosters and vaccine passports.

So have lots of widely used medicines. What’s your point?

I don’t personally have an issue with annual jabs if that’s what is required to get us someway back to normality although I have never taken a flu vaccine before. I do have an issue with excluding people from society if they don’t take the vaccine. I think excluding people from society is not a good thing and will lead to major problems. You don’t obviously which is strange given your stance on other issues.


I think this current exclusion is temporary and in the context of a pandemic, and where we are, I can live with it. In general I agree with the rest of your post there.

Fair enough. Remains to be seen how temporary they will be, hopefully not too long although we seem to have accepted as a society that it is ok so I see it being here for a while. Sucks for those we are kicking to the kerb but we are where we are I suppose.

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For a socially conscious guy, you’d want to cop on to fuck Glas.

A two tiered society is not the answer. 9th October is when this legislation is supposed to end, but it can be extended in an open ended fashion.

It will be extended too.

I didn’t think it was possible to be a far right hard line woke liberal , but by fuck, it appears it is!

Mrs Spidey has had a bad reaction to the vaccine. Doesn’t seem to a/effect her too much during the day when she’s at outdoor parks or in her friends back garden drinking tea. But when she returns in the evening just as I finish a hard days excelling, a sudden wave of tiredness and nausea comes over her where she needs to lie down for the evening. I then have to mind the baby, make dinner, wash clothes etc. I must log this evening time phenomenon in the Pfizer feedback link.


I feel like someone has given me awful box into the arm.

Pfizer is lethal shit, it causes enlarged hearts in young fellas in the 18-34 age category

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That’s what I had. I put it down to driving the car. If I drove to training (outdoors) I was fine, but when I drove home I’d feel really unwell for a few hours. Very similar to travel sickness.


Got the Janssen there. One jab, bang, bang


I’d say cancel any plans you may have for tonight/tomorrow.

Just under 1% of adults getting a first dose.

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They will start to run out of people by the end of next week.

You think? They’ll lash onto the 16-18s then I’d say?

Yeah. Over 80% done now. In real terms that’s higher, there’ll be people who got it in other countries and there’s also 0.43% who have got it directly from Pfizer.

Where will we realistically get to? Will we get over 90%? Even if we ignored the above factor, that’s only 337.5k more to do which is 11 days at the pace they’re going. They will start seeing more no show appointments and gaps in the next week I expect.

No idea what the plan is on 16 and 17 year olds, Pfizer is authorised for them so I don’t see why they couldn’t open up for them. There’s probably 160k of them so another 3% or so of the population that can’t be double jabbed. Worth doing I’d say.

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I presume they’ll give them to them. Leaving cert group as well so makes extra sense.