Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Seems bizarre that employers wouldn’t given the issues if someone gets infected. How is this an issue in Ireland?

Have you ever dealt with a retail supervisor. The cunts go demented with the little ounce of power they get.

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There are hungry cunts everywhere

Oh I’d expect it in the US. I worked for a year in a bar and saw that crap.

Here though, really? Most places are fairly logical.

Only anecdotal but I heard Dunnes were cunts about time off, etc.

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Fair enough, Margaret would have form!

Dunnes have always had a funny view of apartheid. The actual South African apartheid was good, but letting Covid positive workers take time off to recover and not spread Covid constitutes “apartheid”.

I suppose that’s capitalism for ya…

I only worked there for a short spell but they appear to be very controlling. Shifts were random and no option to change them. Wouldn’t be in a hurry to work there again

I’ve a friend who worked in head office, they quit to go to a rival so they directed them to work on the floor stacking shelves during their notice period. That’s a good few years ago but hilarious nonetheless. Heffernan is known for not allowing anyone below a certain category of pay near the books of the company.

Not in my experience I’ve seen some thundering cunts in the likes of dunnes and centra

Why would you want to vaccinate kids though for Covid.

This is all types of wrong.

The HSE will press ahead if NIAC recommend

Harris reckons the portal will open for 16-17 year olds in early August.

85 to 90. Christ above. We might get there but there isn’t a fucking hope in hell the vast majority of the World will. That’s basically vaccinating babies and all


The 40s are only at 87%.

And we are best in class for uptake or close to it. Even the French are miles off it. Never mind the Eastern Europeans

I think there will be a lot of people who will be very reluctant to get their kids vaccinated. I know a lot of my friends won’t or are at least saying now they won’t and they would all have had at least 1 shot themselves and some of them would be disciples of Big Tony.


Making young children protect fully vaccinated old people is absolutely scandalous to me.

I don’t get the logic at all.

It goes against everything that I believe in. It should be the other way around if anything.

The media have done some job in fairness.

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