Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Adults should be getting the shot, or should be shot.

We’re all on holiday mate

81.9% of the 18+ population have at least one dose and 67.2% fully vaccinated.

Is it cruel to put children through the potential side effects a lot folk get?

Any bad side effects from the Janssen jab?

cc @the_man_himself


It’s times like this we should be thankful we are so compliant we were ruled by two lads and a stern look for 800 years.

All that Pfizer they’ve stockpiled it going out :clap:

The children issue is interesting as it’s a mild illness for kids and there is a strong argument for not vaccinating children but allowing them to be exposed to Covid and build natural immunity like we do with other childhood illnesses and viruses.


I think its totally wrong to start vaccinating kids for this virus. People have lost all perspective though. Unfortunately it is on the way.

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My 2 got it a day apart 2 weeks ago both had similar symptoms for about 6 hours chills, headache and a fever. Were grand once it passed.

Do you realise covid can make children very ill?

Can it?

You have your view pal. Its not going to change unfortunately. The red line for you just seemed to be foreign travel.

Hopefully more rational people on the fence might wake up to this when they’re being coersed into vaccinating their kids for a virus that does not effect them.

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A load of Pfizer jabs from pharmacies being added in I suspect.

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It’s my understanding that it can, yes.

On what basis. You seem to be clutching at straws here.

The medical advice all along re keeping schools open etc was that it was little threat to children.

Again this now seems to have changed to suit an agenda

I don’t even know what you’re trying to say here. Seems to be incoherent gibberish.

It’s clear English. You’re just unable to substantiate your position as you’re not very intelligent despite what you may think.