Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

I’m one of the top five most smartest posters on the forum.

If you were you might be able to frame a decent argument from time to time. Definitely one of the top 5 most deluded though.

It’s world class. The huge numbers being hit over recent months wiping out the early losses. We’re barely a month behind the UK and closing the gap. Looks like it turned out exactly how I said it would back in about February or march.


Our rollout is at the phase where Seamus Flanagan has just goaled to pare back the deficit to two points. The lads clapping the UK rollout like Sheedy are going to be left with egg on their face.


Left grasping at straw and trailing in our wake.

We’ll hit the mythical 82% today so.
Just the 3 weeks behind schedule.


Its going well now, but as debated with you previously, there was no excuse for the lack of progress around April/May/Early June. And we are now left with the position that because of the slower than estimated progress, we have a system in place where unvaccinated people are not allowed do things that vaccinated people can, through no fault of their own, only that the roll out did not go at the speed it should have. We are opening up things for vaccinated people, yet we have not allowed some people to be vaccinated. That shouldnt have happened, if the roll out was slowed, then they should have delayed opening until the possibility that everyone be vaccinated was in place before allowing this system. Now I get that you didnt think that this tiered approach would happen, but this ultimately was what many thought would happen and has now played out.

Yes, numbers are good now, but the early slowdown has contributed to a farcical situation currently with a split society, mainly against the youth who have been fucked over so much to protect the elderly, and are still getting the rawest end of the deal.

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy is three of them

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Was grand yesterday until about 10pm, then got tired and had a terrible sleep waking up a good few times. Feel a bit drowsy today and a sore arm but nothing too bad

Nothing to do with the rollout process, we are in this position because of Delta.

Where are we in Europe with the rollout? Near the top I think quibbling about small losses months ago is nonsense. Those losses are being wiped out by the day.

no, if we had more vaccinated and if we had hit our targets with getting the window open for younger people to vaccinate, then we wouldnt be in a position where people are being excluded for no other reason than their age and not being able to get a vaccination. We are about 3 weeks behind our original targets (cc @TreatyStones), so take those 3 weeks into account and we would be in a good position on Monday for opening with a vaccine pass that all people would have an opportunity to have.

Yes, the losses are being wiped out, but the delay is affecting people. Its great the numbers are increasing, but the sync between opening with a vaccine pass and offering the vaccine to people did not align and has created this split society.

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I don’t really agree with the vaccine/recovery pass, there should be a testing option. However the reason for it is delta.

We’re pretty much top table in the EU for vaccines administered. We have objectively done an excellent job. To be honest, quibbling about a missed target in light of that is just petulant. There were disruptions which meant the target was missed. Very few countries have done any better and we are better than most.

Lies and spin.

To be honest, many on here, said months ago we’d end up with it, long before delta became an issue. Like most things with the HSE at the moment, its really really easy to put some sort of latest excuse to blame the latest control measures. Az is paused. The cyber hack. Pubs. Delta. Even if none of them are the actual reason, they just say a buzzword and we have to accept it.

As I flagged before too, I’m not massively phased by comparing us to others, I’d prefer to objectively view how we are performing based on the factors at our disposal. Yes, by comparison we are doing well, but its mostly to do with the take up and acceptance by people rather than a speedy process. Most countries had offered vaccines to younger people much sooner than we did. That is as much to do with other countries lack of take up on the vaccine, but that point goes both ways, in terms of take up and offering vaccines to cohorts. You may see it as being petulant to call out the HSE for being 3 weeks behind, however say that to people who are not able to do the same as those who have been able to be fully vaccinated.

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Goalposts move again

I think you’ve contradicted yourself there. We didn’t get to you get cohorts fast enough because of take up but take up gets credit for the speed?

Objectively to determine how good a job we’ve done to look at how fast we gave it out. You compare us to the rest of Europe because they had the same supply as us. Against the rest of Europe we have done really well, up at the top of the class.

It’s silly not to accept this. There are direct comparators that have had the same supply and we’ve done better than most of them for shots in arms. It’s really simple and obvious.

No. They didn’t get to the cohorts fast enough as they consistently failed to meet their targets over the course of 7 months. You’re not the brightest chap, are you?

Objectively, to determine how good a job they’ve done, you hold them to the targets they set.

You’re making silly points so quit projecting about silliness when you’re the source of it.

No, that’s not objective. Objective is comparing to other countries that have had the same supply.

Objective is comparing them to their own targets.

Along with coercion and discrimination, we can add accountability to the list of words you don’t understand.