Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

You don’t keep it simple for me. You are simple.

I’m not confused but you only seem to have stock phrases that you can’t substantiated and have a track record of being dishonest and contradictory.

Simple application forms confuse you.

You’re incapable of making an informed decision. You form an opinion based on gut instinct without carrying out any sort of due dilligence and when you’re gut instinct invariably steers you to the wrong conclusion you attempt to derail the point under discussion. That’s your stock.

They don’t.

If they are confusing they are not simple. Pointing out stupidity is not a case of being confused, it’s pointing out that whoever designed the system was typical of public sector incompetence and lack of foresight. If the public sector employed smart people like me, this situation would never have occurred. The vaccine rollout may actually have been successful.

I form an opinion on the digestion of facts and weighing up the potential benefits and consequences. You are incapable of thinking for yourself and when the going gets tough and the information comes out that exposes you as an idiot, you take to aligning yourself with the crazies.

My life partner was out in the National Show Centre in Swords earlier for her second vaccine and Micheál Martin was there giving a briefing. She got rebuked by a steward for taking a picture of him.

You made a show of yoursef that time.

I formulated a brilliant argument and left the halfwits like you reeling as you sought to defend incompetence and poor planning.

My missus got second Pfizer jab on Tuesday. She’s still complaining about not feeling well.

It’s the estrogen innit I said to her.

We go again

Everyone was laughing at you.

I wouldn’t expect the idiots like you to know what is happening.

He’s an awful dullard but more to be pitied than laughed at.

They were laughing at you because you struggled with something simple. I didn’t partake in the bullying.

Anyone laughing at me over that is the idiot. They were defending incompetence and poor planning, the reality is they were smarting that they were exposed as stupid and were unable to spot flaws.

Why do you think Ireland is any safer than “abroad”? :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

I’m just saying you are urging caution while selfishly taking risks which compromise the thing you urge taking risks from.

Typical Glas pontificating and failing to practice what he preaches.

No, that’s complete nonsense.

Do you accept that taking the vaccine reduces spread? A simple yes or no would suffice.

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Pure and utter hypocrisy from you which you are desperately trying to deflect from. It’s clear as day you think the vaccines are worthless so if you’re so worried about vaccinated people getting infected the maybe lock yourself away if that’s you world view.

You are a walking, talking contradiction.

Practice what you preach for a change.

It’s strange that you can’t answer whether you accept that vaccines reduce spread.

You say you’ve researched the vaccines. This is pretty fundamental to how they work.

I think I’ve asked you about five times now. It’s a very simple question really.

I was out there at the time. Did she notice an owl lad with a fashionable trilby? Some operation out there in fairness.

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