Vaccine Numbers Log Thread


Did you notice who she works for mate?

I have been wondering if a lot of people who won’t get the jab are just afraid of needles and looking for other excuses

Bill Gates?

Very, very close. Niall McGarry.
Or has he been ousted?

No wonder the tweet has so many likes

Yes, that wasn’t lost on me.

Running out of people for first doses.

No word yet on my second dose, will be 3 weeks on Wednesday since the first. A housemate and work colleague both got vaccinated in the days after me (Thursday and Friday) in the same centre and have got an appointment for their second doses on the Thursday and Friday of this week :confused:

Flying it

Still no word on my second dose :confused:

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Log in to your account, there’s a date there a day or two before you get a text

Fuck sake lads, will one of you give up a vaccine for Copper Pipe, after all hes done for ye?

I’ll be fully vaxxed All Ireland Sunday, fucking Moderna and it’s 14 day wait


I’ve been checking it a few times a day.

Rang them yesterday and they said to ring them again if it goes past 33 days which would be the 23rd of August.

You’ll hardly need the cert based on last weekend!

I’m going straight to the hideout

August 22 at 3:30pm for your second jab🤦‍♂️


I got my first shot this day 3 weeks ago and not a peep from Paul Reid or anyone in the HSE yet about the second shot.

When should I be getting worried?

At my first vaccination I was informed that I would be texted back to have the second one four weeks later. In reality my second vaccination wasn’t scheduled until five and a half weeks later and the text message never arrived, I had to log into my HSE portal account to find out my second appointment had been scheduled. Moderna 1 was June 25th. Moderna 2 was August 3rd.

The whole thing is a sorry mess