Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Monday morning in Mallow :wave:


A fella told me going into Ryan’s he was told two jabs inside one jab stick to the smoking area :rofl::rofl:

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All the eggs in 2 baskets now.

Jab done :white_check_mark:


Anti vaxx protest at the traffic lights in Blackpool cark this evening. Outside Dinos.

Ffs protesting vaccines while the chipper behind calls garlic cheese chips, chips cheese and garlic.

Backwards cunts


The cert is in :raised_hands:

Won’t be valid on Sunday.
Probably won’t matter for the destinations you have in mind :wink:

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Fuckers scoffing 3 in 1s while they deny the 3 in 1 to their children. You couldn’t make it up.

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The great unwashed

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Most of the 30 pluses should have two jabs now, we should be starting to see a decrease in hospitalizations again as it kicks in you’d think

Any update on your second jab @peddlerscross ?

Case numbers are increasing in the over 65s and a few breakthrough infections there are driving up hospital numbers.

Today is D Day.

Another shifting of the goal posts here. Now they’re talking about % under-12s vaccinated. Before it was under 16s, before that under 18s.

You lads thought if you were good little boys and got your vaccines it would end this?


Pubs are open. It’s over :partying_face:

You like table service, not being allowed leave your seat without your face nappy and no live music?

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No point referring to the under 12s when they were only vaccinating those who are 16+.

None of that applies in rural Ireland pal, bar the live music, which can be replaced by an Oasis Spotify playlist