Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

They’ve threatened it here from October

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I booked my seasonal flu vaccination just now.

Science. Science.

For better or for worse, looks like it will be boosters for nearly 60% after this with more to come you’d expect. We need to get this thread back.


@Copper_pipe what are the current stocks of vaccine. I make it out as around 2.3 million eligible after the NIAC advice with 355k completed boosters as of the weekend.

What are otter EU countries doing with boosters? Have any gone below 50 or as far as offering them generally? What age children are we offering then to, any countries going below that?

If boosters were available to anyone that wanted them you’d probably get enough people to sign up to curb it sufficiently to allow muddle on for another bit of a while.

Over here every adult is eligible once they reach the six months anniversary of the second shot. Pity the nutters in the east didn’t go for the first one though.

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If they did that in Ireland you’d probably get good take up again. Lock the unvaccinated in their homes or whatever and let us get on with it then.

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According to the ECDC tracker

Pfizer and Moderna delivered 7482960

Pfizer and Moderna administered 6348317

Total in fridges


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Will need lots of deliveries in the coming week to meet the new targets so.

It’ll be February before my 6 months are up for the booster so they might have it sorted by then :slight_smile:

I know a lad in the States in his 20s who is eligible for a booster because he is in an at risk category. He’s an “ex-smoker”

Would it not make sense to lock the over 80s, obese chaps, those in poor health and those with underlying health conditions in their home as they are the ones at serious risk?

Or do you just like to discriminate against people with different views and ideology than yours?

No-one chooses to be over 80 but people do choose their ideology.

So if I had to choose I’d rather lock you up.


What exactly are they waiting for? If they are going to insist on boosters, then lash em out ta fuck

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Should be able to lash out
700k a week

Yeah but you’re a nasty, intolerant little bigot. That’s your choice rather than choosing tolerance and respect.

Cant wait to get my booster.

No it wouldn’t. They didn’t choose to be at risk, whereas the awkward squad choose to put themselves and others at risk. Obviously it’s not ideal to be locking up anyone, in a perfect world we wouldn’t need prisons. But if we do have to lock up anyone then obviously it’s going to be the awkward squad, as opposed to the old people the awkward squad want to endanger.

If I get a third moderna I’d be close to immortal I’d say


It will do wonders for my 5K time.