Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Even Pfizer now admitting their vaccine is a dud.

“We must be aware that even triple-vaccinated are likely to transmit the disease…It is obvious we are far from 95 per cent effectiveness that we obtained against the initial virus,” Ugur Sahin told the French daily Le Monde in an interview published on Monday.

Back to square one.

Lockdown again until they come up with some new (temporary) fantasy vaccine.


Vaccines are so 2021. Its all about dropping the Pfizer pill in 2’22 (two to too)

We are “boosting” using a vaccine that was built for a substantially different virus.

You’d want your head examined to be taking a booster around now.


Pumping monkey juice into you without ever questioning why.

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The Micks queue for Gareth Brooks tickets too.

I’ll get a booster but I’m not in a rush the way I was with Dose 1 and 2.


a load of yes men, queuing up like apes, good little boys

The gas thing is these freaks are the same apes who will be tut tutting at how past generations turned a blind eye to institutional child abuse and other things simply because authorities said there was nothing to see here.

Subservient, obsequious Paddy has learned nothing and the lack of self awareness and critical thinking would make you shudder.

Queuing for Communion at Midnight Mass was once the way to feel morally superior. Now it’s queuing for a booster vaccine.

How do you know somebody got a booster?

They fucking tell you.


By god

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@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy will be along shortly to tell us that they missed their targets.

Vaccine fascists

Sure its pointless.

We all know the vaccine isn’t worth a fucking shite.

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Good numbers, shows what they can do when they have all hands on deck.

Will they get to 2 million by Christmas Day? Didn’t look likely until that number reported but 83k average from today till Christmas Eve could get there. Christmas Eve will probably see a big fall off though.

I know you can’t comprehend of it but a world does actually exist outside social media, buddy.

It’ll be close.

When are the fourth shots being rolled out?

I had my fattening the pig the day of the market booster (placebo) the other day and I have glands under my arm on the injection side swollen since. It’s pretty sore still. Has anyone else experienced this?