Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Dont want to be disagreeing with you all the time mate but if we are 80% vacinnated why would need social distancing inside?

Which large outdoor events?

Who is AZ vaccine going to at the moment?

Gigs innit?

Health care staff

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Good bit of info in this. All positive if it can be delivered on

RTE news : More than 1m vaccines a month expected - Tánaiste

The word “expected” has me worried

“At least” is the encouraging bit.

That means you’re looking at the potential to vaccinate 1.5-2m people in Q2. A similar return in Q3 should have it nabbed, the bastard.

No reason why society should not be opening up at 90% and a lot of restrictions rolled up by late July/Aug.

I went looking for an electric picnic ticket a few weeks ago but they’re not on sale.

The vaccine isn’t 100%. There’s always new variants… Cautious approach the best.

You need to forget about going back to how life used to be for a couple of years.

I’ve my ticket for EP sorted already. I just need the bands.

TBH, the bands are almost secondary most years, they’re tertiary at best this year.

It’s not that. @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy asked me what it was so I told him but he can be trusted. I won’t tell @thedancingbaby cos that is like telling the 9 o’clock news.

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So I should PM @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy for info?

ive no recollection of the conversation

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The owl :owl: HSE aren’t great at the IT.

“The disease incidence among the over-85s fell by 57% last week alone - by far the highest reduction for any age group.

Healthcare workers accounted for 166,000 vaccine doses and by the end of last week they were accounting for 5% of weekly cases, down from 13% three weeks earlier.”

They should be shouting this from the rooftops at the NPHET press briefings - elderly in nursing homes seeing a big drop in cases and illness.

Instead we have a continuation of the negative slant from government/HSE and NPHET - reduction in overall cases not increasing fast enough, too high a percentage of close contacts testing positive etc.

The vaccine works, there should be some optimism exuded by the powers-that-be but they are happy to maintain these stringent lockdowns…


Yes you do. Sure you told me and remember I said I’d let Sharon Ni Bheolain know so she could read it out on the 9.00 news


Time to leave the EU.

Let’s get Irexit done.

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