Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Seems like they are being embarrassed into it by the public reaction.


Yeah. That’s it I’m sure.


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Which is fine.

Well done pal. Hopefully this will settle the nerves a tad. You were gone full tilt there for a few days. HnY

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I just want the best for my country.


Agreed, I think most people’s issues was with the ridiculously unambitious plan. Setting targets they couldn’t miss even if they tried.

You’d never write them off

Don’t compare yourself to the worst mate. Compare yourself to the best


I decided two weeks ago that the vaccine roll out will be a complete shit show and I’m going to stick to that opinion regardless.

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HSE CEO Paul Reid has said that by last night 1,800 vaccines had been administered, with another 2,000 to be dispensed this weekend.

Unreal. At that phenomenal rate it will only take about 9,000 days to get everyone jabbed.


That’s still slow enough. More pressure needs to be applied

Did your estimate just go up pal?

I saw 6000 :eyes:

Surely when elderly and vulnerable are vaccinated that will be it for lockdown. We hardly have to wait until kids are vaccinated.

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If there are any journalists reading the forum can they please ask NPHET to clarify what will happen as the various cohorts are vaccinated.

One would assume that the vaccine priority groups have been drawn up by reference to those making up the majority of the mortalities and the hospitalisations so once they’ve been vaccinated there is no justification for keeping the rest of the population locked down.

How many are in that population and by what date can they be done? It seems so simple but I haven’t seen it articulated anywhere. And why isn’t it in the plan they published? I presume it’s because setting targets means you can fail, if you don’t have a target it’s impossible to fail.

I have an awful feeling NPHET will keep the restrictions because they’ll say we can’t be sure the vaccine works and we need to be careful because of statistical anomalies like Mr. Red Hot Chilli Porridge and “Long COVID”. 2021 is going to be woefully depressing.


It’s a v fair question. But is one of the key limitations at this point the lack of claroty around when the vaccines will be available? There isn’t an unlimited capacity available now and they are coming on stream in tranches.

They could publish the plan alright without dates

2021 is going to be worse than last year in Ireland with those fucking clowns Holohan and FFG running the show. Its awful depressing thinking about it