Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

And they will miss it by a fair whack too.

Lots of anecdotes of them fucking up deliveries this week.

Going by the week previous, they’ll struggle to hit 90k. Not a great sign but hopefully just teething issues. This is the week they’ve targeted to get over 85s their first jab so they will have to go balls out to get there.

They are on track for the 5 days (14k per day average), but I doubt many GPs were vaccinating over the weekend. But I’d imagine those slack days on Monday & Tuesday have fucked them.

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Monday’s being consistently low is shocking.

It shows the supply chain isn’t working over the weekend, whatever about the GPs not working.

Where this will hammer then is if and when we have supply for 250k a week but only dish our 150k. Hopefully it is sorted. In fairness it sounds like the cabinet are all over the numbers going out so there is an expectation for them there.

Lads they need to be hitting these targets. There’s no excuse if they cant. We are all locked in our houses and close by amenities waiting for them to vaccinate the amount needed for herd immunity (a moving target it seems). They have to get this right. If the media dont come down hard on them for missing a target it’s a disgrace in my opinion


They have to go

Absolutely. I could excuse it if we were in a transition week but I’m not sure we were. They have to go

Clear it out. Every one of them.

Two AZ deliveries were cancelled.

One was due on Friday and one was due this week. Short 25k doses.

They 25k doses will be added into next weeks delivery.


Hold that order.

This is some shambles. Set the most unambitious and easy to reach targets and still miss them.


They could learn a lesson or two from TFK’s running community.

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The targets are constrained by supply.
If you are only scheduled to get 100k a doses a week then you can’t set targets above that.

Claus and Hans with their abysmal vaccine purchasing program have fucked us over.

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Was the supply for the week just gone affected by factors outside their control after they set the 100k target based on expected supply? Or did they set a 100k target and likely miss it? I’ve my apology primed and ready to go if it’s the former.

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I was defending the targets that have been set. Not the fact they will likely miss it.

The fact they knocked out over 18k per day once the logistical issues were sorted is highly encouraging.

They need to double that and do it all week to hit the 250k mark for April

18k per day, c.100k per week to allow for weekend downtime, isn’t that impressive in my book. 100k per week would have us fannying around with vaccines for most of the year when this should be wrapped up by the end of May at the latest.

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It was 300% increase on the previous week.
It’s all part of the process and I’m sure there will have been plenty of learnings from last week which will help when it comes to ramping up to 250k per week.

Why am I out here batting for the fucking shambolic HSE?


4m vaccine J&J doses being delivered in the US as we speak and they expect to have 20m distributed in the US by the end of March. That vaccine alone could fully vaccinate 6% of the population in one month. Probably close to 10% of the adult population.

Will we be getting J&J vaccines in March @Copper_pipe?

Elsewhere this is reported on RTE. I presume it’s incorrect as the standard of editing of the online articles is shambolic, typos and grammatical errors are commonplace these days.

“200 million J&J vaccines have been promised before the end of March to the EU and Ireland is set to receive 2.2 million doses. This raises such questions as who should receive which vaccine and what makes it different from the other vaccines.”

Should it mean the end of June or the end of the year. I presume it’s the end of the year?