Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

How would the extra €16 weigh up v a months payment of pup, plus the associated boost in economic activity?


Well it’s €143m a week at the moment last figure I saw. So it would cover about 9m vaccine doses in a weeks payments. Or basically the total population

I’ve analyzed your figures and run them through my model and it’s telling me we’d be better off buying every vaccine we can and opening the country earlier.

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Dear Vlad,

Take my money.



Where did you get that slide deck previously that showed how many vaccines had been delivered, with “available” included?

I see 67k of AZ have been administered. This was how many were delivered by February 15th.

I assume another 25k were delivered in the week ending February 19th. Would mean we are more or less up to date on AZ administration in fairness.

That’s the one to watch for me as with Pfizer and Moderna they are able to juke the stats more as the second dose is due so soon after. AZ just needs to be fired out as we have it under the current strategy.

3,887 done on Sunday :rollseyes:

Fergal is all over this.


And failed badly.

Incompetent fuckwits.

They only missed the target by just under 20%.


Any chance that AstraZeneca did actually fuck up?

They have form.

The HSE also have form

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Has anyone quantified what proportion of the shortfall is due to supply and what is due to rollout issues?

the HSE have forms, many many forms

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On that, a family member who is a GP went to apply to be a vaccinator at one of the mass vaccinator centres. The HSE sent her a 23 page application form, with a load of irrelevant questions in it. She enquired and was told by some kid employed by them that all fields must be answered. Ended up taking another job.

You’d wonder do they realise that there is an unprecedented emergency going on.


And leave to take, lots and lots and lots and lots of leave to take.

The Countess, a pharmacist, was prevented from signing up as a vaccinator as to be deemed an experienced vaccinator you had to have administered a vaccine in the previous 12 months…



They were looking fingerprints off people that had been working abroad. Mad stuff Ted

My reading is that we had 87k AZ by the weekend with just 67k given out.

They shouldn’t be holding any AZ back.

What’s the gap for the second AZ dose?

Isn’t the recommended length for that vaccine 12 weeks?