Vote Mick Wallace

You answer mine first.

I did.

Answer the question.

Itā€™s all about pouring more gravy on the spuds Mike. Claire and Mick know that as well as anyone else

Where did I say tax evasion was ok for Mick Wallace?

Ah Mike. They went out on a limb to help McCabe and had to stay squeaky clean as the Gardai were keeping a very close eye on them. No wonder they fucked off to Europe. On the other side you have politicians getting away with murder.

And not two fucks were given all day long

Prince Andrew has nothing on this lad

Give Codd the Nod lads

Iā€™d say heā€™ll get battered.

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Malcolm should be a shoe in. He has a bunch of FGā€™ers willing to vote him in so North Wexford gets more representation. Iā€™d say heā€™ll get in, do nothing and then lose the seat in the election next year.

Verona a no hoper?

Has he? Has he fuck

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Iā€™m supporting George Lawlor.

Would you know much about Ger Carthy?

I know a bit about him as heā€™s my end of the county but I donā€™t know him personally.

This fella looks like a jolly, nice man


George is an alright sort - good voice too

Jesus, when or to whom did this happen?

So Byrne gets elected. What happens at a GE then. The Labour seat must surely be vulnerable and the Wallace seat has vanished. Normally with such a weak field youā€™d expect a challenge from SF but their boat is holed below the waterline. The performance of Mythen in the BE will tell the tale.
Surely youā€™ll hardly have 5 Paul Kehoe representing the county.

Good to see Mick relaxing like that. He deserves it after all his trojan work uncovering establishment corruption.