Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

I dropped a parcel of such gifts off to the lads on the front line. I’ve been informed they couldn’t have done it without my humus:clap:

do you pay commercial water rates?


Ya cause his market stall uses a fuck load of water

This will divide the country… 1. the cunts who can afford to pay it, and will pay it, sure, cos it’s grand
2. the brave few who can afford it, but won’t pay it, because it is wrong and it will put underprivileged families at risk.
3. the poor cunts who can’t afford it.

Reminds me of dining in the Scholars of an evening out in the campus in UL. I was in the company of a right snobby prick, you know the type all rounder vowels and proper pronunciation and the attitude to match… discussing college fees and he comes out with this one…

“I actually think they should introduce significant college fees, it would discourage the riff raff” it was aimed at me as I have a strong enough City accent… I know I shouldn’t have, as it proved him right in a way, but fuck it, the head went and I had to be pulled off him… I hate cunts like that.

[QUOTE=“Esteban de la Sexface, post: 1030312, member: 2695”]This will divide the country… 1. the cunts who can afford to pay it, and will pay it, sure, cos it’s grand
2. the brave few who can afford it, but won’t pay it, because it is wrong and it will put underprivileged families at risk.
3. the poor cunts who can’t afford it.

Reminds me of dining in the Scholars of an evening out in the campus in UL. I was in the company of a right snobby prick, you know the type all rounder vowels and proper pronunciation and the attitude to match… discussing college fees and he comes out with this one…

“I actually think they should introduce significant college fees, it would discourage the riff raff” it was aimed at me as I have a strong enough City accent… I know I shouldn’t have, as it proved him right in a way, but fuck it, the head went and I had to be pulled off him… I hate cunts like that.[/QUOTE]

you did yeah:rolleyes:

Ok so, what really happened was I seethed into my diced potato, until he left and then kicked a stray cat on the way home.

I was reading a good article the other day based on some current research about the monopoly on water that is transpiring of late. It’s the new oil and private companies are going after water in a big way because mis management has led to crisis and governments are willing to take the easy way out and hand control over to private companies… I’ve said it countless times, no one is disputing a water charge, but this isn’t a charge as such, It’s handing it over to a private company to pay off German bondholders that is the issue and in doing so our government are putting the most vulnerable in society in a situation where they can be denied water because they can’t offord to pay the levy of a private company for something that falls from the sky.

they want to charge us for water with flouride in it & the quislings and alright jacks on here are disgusted that people are protesting about it

shame on you all

Mind control aside, sure won’t you have lovely shiny teeth

Brendan Howlin just said on The Sean O’Rourke show that he has heard no objections on the setting up of Irish Water. :smiley: He must been stranded on desert island for the last year or so.

He probably means from people that matter.

Specifically Mr O’B??

[QUOTE=“Esteban de la Sexface, post: 1030312, member: 2695”]This will divide the country… 1. the cunts who can afford to pay it, and will pay it, sure, cos it’s grand
2. the brave few who can afford it, but won’t pay it, because it is wrong and it will put underprivileged families at risk.
3. the poor cunts who can’t afford it.

Reminds me of dining in the Scholars of an evening out in the campus in UL. I was in the company of a right snobby prick, you know the type all rounder vowels and proper pronunciation and the attitude to match… discussing college fees and he comes out with this one…

“I actually think they should introduce significant college fees, it would discourage the riff raff” it was aimed at me as I have a strong enough City accent… I know I shouldn’t have, as it proved him right in a way, but fuck it, the head went and I had to be pulled off him… I hate cunts like that.[/QUOTE]

Batt and Mrs. Batt and all the little and not so little Batts fall into category number two. There is simply no way on this earth they will be getting any of our pps numbers and in any case I will just not pay anyway. Not a penny of my money will go to that cunt obrien and although the local station has recently changed to topaz I will buy my go juice somewhere else. I am good friends with the owner of such establishment and have had to break the news to him. He wasn’t happy but life is a bitch at times.

I’ve weighed the issues up in my mind about this and come to the conclusion that these protests are a load of bollocks.

Protest away by all means, but don’t go invoking emotive bullshit about human rights or bulshit comparisons to 1916, and expect anything but ridicule. :smiley:

The men of 1916 did not die for your right to have 15 minute showers, your right to run the tap while brushing your teeth or your right to wash your car with a garden hose every week.

Has anyone on the forum filled out the form and handed over their pps??


Come on you capitalist pigs, fess up… who has handed over their pps number to Mr. O’Brien?

[QUOTE=“Sidney, post: 1031533, member: 183”]I’ve weighed the issues up in my mind about this and come to the conclusion that these protests are a load of bollocks.

Protest away by all means, but don’t go invoking emotive bullshit about human rights or bulshit comparisons to 1916, and expect anything but ridicule. :smiley:

The men of 1916 did not die for your right to have 15 minute showers, your right to run the tap while brushing your teeth or your right to wash your car with a garden hose every week.[/QUOTE]

That might be so but they did die for the right of all men (and women) to be treated equally. With this water quango that is not the case and when Cunt OBrien gets his hands on it, it won’t matter who the fuck you are but this cunt will charge what he likes while funnelling all his money through some tax avoidance scheme in the Isle of Man. On top of that will be the awful vista of former in competent county managers being paid vast sums to fuck us over again and again. Cunts like Hubert Rigney and John Tierney should be in jail not working in a tax collecting quango for wages way beyond what they should be paid.



Irish tax payers are currently paying €1.2bn for water:eek: … mugs like @TreatyStones[/USER] and [USER=180]@myboyblue want to pay for it twice :smiley: