Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

How very kumbaya of you.

You’ll be first against the wall.

The crusties wont like that sort of behaviour.

That’s what’s different here. It’s not just a crusty protest.
The country has risen en mass, from all walks of live. This is the most unifying movement in the history of the state.

[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 1038900, member: 1786”]That’s what’s different here. It’s not just a crusty protest.
The country has risen en mass, from all walks of live. This is the most unifying movement in the history of the state.[/QUOTE]
Italia 90 was the most unifying movement in the history of the state.

For a mud skipper like you that’s probably true.


Are you going to pretend you were at that aul shindig today pal?

[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 1038909, member: 1786”]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B1XYqJ6CEAEEiCr.jpg


The fianna fail crowd are gas all the same.

Did I say I was or wasn’t at it?

Oh we know you weren’t, so it matters not what you say.

We ?.. The other mud skippers is?

Setting up Irish water is a fiasco. Flat charge made sense. No cost of a new semi state, Meters, etc etc and now farce of allowances, tax credits and costs to administer.

A lot of anti- water protesters (people who seem free to take time off work to block installation of water Meters) think free to user means it is free/no charge when in reality it has meant up until now somebody else paid it for them. Once something is free to a user they place no value on it. Fuckers running their taps in winter to extent there were water shortages.

Services should be paid for by users but simplicity is key. You can see management consultants fingerprints all over Irish Water. Designed by a committee with lots of “options” explored.

Water is not free. When people say they are against water charges they mean that they don’t want to pay for it. Somebody else should pay by paying higher income tax. There is a cohort of people in Ireland who want to pay for nothing - no car tax , no car insurance, no TV licence. The cohort who do pay could retaliate by blockading the Sky TV and UPC service vans on installation and repair call outs.

[QUOTE=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 1038961, member: 2272”]Setting up Irish water is a fiasco. Flat charge made sense. No cost of a new semi state, Meters, etc etc and now farce of allowances, tax credits and costs to administer.

A lot of anti- water protesters (people who seem free to take time off work to block installation of water Meters) think free to user means it is free/no charge when in reality it has meant up until now somebody else paid it for them. Once something is free to a user they place no value on it. Fuckers running their taps in winter to extent there were water shortages.

Services should be paid for by users but simplicity is key. You can see management consultants fingerprints all over Irish Water. Designed by a committee with lots of “options” explored.[/QUOTE]

An awful lot of truth there.

Go on, you’ve used it twice now so I’ll bite, ‘mud skipper’?


Im as anti government and taxation as the next man but the illiterate scum that block these installations and clog any debate with rants on social media have wrecked my head. Lads working for GMC Sierra or whoever are just doing their jobs and these degenerates show up to abuse them. They think they are some sort of patriotic defenders of the people but don’t realise the patriots who led the war of independence were by and large educated working men who wouldn’t want a thing to do with these chavs. Id be all on for strike breaking these cunts.

banter in north kildare today… " not a penny more to the mayo whore":clap::pint::pint::pint:

i was there belting this out after handing 50 quid to paddy power

" not a penny to enda kenny"… was the one for the kids

Im as anti government and taxation as the next man but the illiterate scum that block these installations and clog any debate with rants on social media have wrecked my head. Lads working for GMC Sierra or whoever are just doing their jobs and these degenerates show up to abuse them. They think they are some sort of patriotic defenders of the people but don’t realise the patriots who led the war of independence were by and large educated working men who wouldn’t want a thing to do with these chavs. Id be all on for strike breaking these cunts.[/QUOTE]

Should form a pro Irish Water Group with the slogan ‘knackers, layabouts and the social welfare classes must pay too’.

SF now the most popular party in the state according to SIndo poll tmrrw. We live in interesting times…