Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

All this chat about the scum and the chavs and the layabouts with no jobs being the main protesters. Surely this is unlikely since its been made quite clear that anyone with no job on welfare won’t have to pay the charge.

Im as anti government and taxation as the next man but the illiterate scum that block these installations and clog any debate with rants on social media have wrecked my head. Lads working for GMC Sierra or whoever are just doing their jobs and these degenerates show up to abuse them. They think they are some sort of patriotic defenders of the people but don’t realise the patriots who led the war of independence were by and large educated working men who wouldn’t want a thing to do with these chavs. Id be all on for strike breaking these cunts.[/QUOTE]
What was an ‘educated working man’ in the early 20th century?

Unlikely? Take your head out of your hole there. Are you suggesting the same scum that turn up to coolock every day have taken a leave of abscence from work? Or like more enlightened posters are they on a career break?

Poor, well read and politically astute.

Well if they’re on the dole why the fuck would they be protesting they don’t have to pay it ffs.

RTE news reminds me of like St Patricks Day

They have to pay something

They don’t think their money should be wasted on not getting wasted.

[QUOTE=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 1038961, member: 2272”]Setting up Irish water is a fiasco. Flat charge made sense. No cost of a new semi state, Meters, etc etc and now farce of allowances, tax credits and costs to administer.

A lot of anti- water protesters (people who seem free to take time off work to block installation of water Meters) think free to user means it is free/no charge when in reality it has meant up until now somebody else paid it for them. Once something is free to a user they place no value on it. Fuckers running their taps in winter to extent there were water shortages.

Your first and second paragraphs contradict each other.

A flat charge means the user places no value on water.

[QUOTE=“Sidney, post: 1039058, member: 183”]Your first and second paragraphs contradict each other.

A flat charge means the user places no value on water.[/QUOTE]

It is nuanced. A flat charge means mentally people think of a cost to a service. Water rates are not designed to encourage conservation because water used in houses is small element of what is consumed. Proposed price for water was set stupidly high with credits etc to reduce it. Just set a low base flat rate.

Flat charge is more efficient to implement and introduce. Costs of set up and administration of what are proposed are disproportionate.

Marginal difference in water used probably makes no difference but fuckers running taps betrays a mentality that elects single issue candidates. I will run this tap and my pipes won’t freeze. I assume my tap is only tap in the country and that the reservoirs won’t be emptied.

As a nation we are betrayed every day by a PR system that elects populist politicians without any semblance of joined up thinking and strategy beyond clientist politics which would be better served by citizen information centres.

[QUOTE=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 1039057, member: 2272”]They have to pay something

They don’t think their money should be wasted on not getting wasted.[/QUOTE]
How much is it proposed they will have to pay?

Tremendous show of support for Gerry Adams and sf today with the water. Barges protests turnout. Plus a massive Jump in the polls. A great republican victory. Fuck u m Cahill

How was it a show of support for sf croppy?

Looks like there’s a big climb-down coming. Alan Kelly here squirming on the news saying they are reviewing the situation. “Mistakes were made. I have heard what the public has said loud and clear.” Cunt. I would have much more respect for them if the dig their heels in on this and stick to their guns.

“We underestimated the problem.” Shambles. :mad:

A Fine Gael councillor for Cork City tweeted the following on Saturday:


[QUOTE=“Sidney, post: 1039958, member: 183”]A Fine Gael councillor for Cork City tweeted the following on Saturday:



We are ruled by some bunch of fucking fools.

Wonderful placard in one of the demos shown tonight on rte.

“Irish water is a farce
They can shove their metres up their a***”

Spelt exactly as above

Talk now that the flat charge is going to be greatly reduced and held in place for 2 years.

There should be option though for the likes of @TheUlteriorMotive to tick a box to pay the higher rate seeing as they are so much in favor of it.

[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 1040108, member: 1786”]Talk now that the flat charge is going to be greatly reduced and held in place for 2 years.

There should be option though for the likes of @TheUlteriorMotive to tick a box to pay the higher rate seeing as they are so much in favor of it.[/QUOTE]

Happy to contribute as best I can. Paying an eye watering tax bill next week. I feel it is worth it for the quality of the services I receive in return.

There should be a credit for water charges for anybody who has to fork out for Sky Sports too.

Such as?

[QUOTE=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 1040117, member: 2272”]Happy to contribute as best I can. Paying an eye watering tax bill next week. I feel it is worth it for the quality of the services I receive in return.

There should be a credit for water charges for anybody who has to fork out for Sky Sports too.[/QUOTE]

Ridiculous, it’s quite obvious there should be a wealth tax levied on anyone with Sky Sports.